I don’t chase anything but…

September 26, 2016

coco-and-vera-best-vancouver-fashion-blog-best-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-street-style-nyc-gentlefawn-tie-dye-dress-topshop-boots-hm-hat-rayban-wayfarer-sunglassescoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-style-blog-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-portrait-cee-fardoe-brooklyn-bridge-gentlefawn-dress-hm-hat-rayban-wayfarer-sunglasses-leah-alexandra-necklacecoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-outfit-details-nyfw-gentle-fawn-tote-topshop-ankle-boots-gentlefawn-dresscoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-style-blog-top-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-cee-fardoe-brunette-lyndi-barrett-style-calling-gentlefawn-clothing-lack-of-color-hatcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-travel-blog-top-canadian-travel-blog-top-blogger-brooklyn-bridge-new-york-city-landmarks-manhattan-bridges-of-nyccoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-street-style-gentlefawn-dress-topshop-ankle-boots-black-hat-rayban-sunglasses-gentlefawn-toteGentlefawn dress (c/o)
Topshop boots (similar)
Gentlefawn bag (c/o)
H&M hat (similar)
Rayban sunglasses
Leah Alexandra necklace

 …I do, on occasion, stress about outfit choices. When I started blogging, my two favourite brands were Club Monaco and J. Crew. It’s been a lot of years of fashion experimentation since then, and my style has changed significantly – while I never wore much colour, my wardrobe these days is pretty much entirely neutral. I still love Club Monaco and J. Crew for their beautiful aesthetics, but neither one of the brands aligns particularly with where I’m at sartorially right now. But that, it turns out, makes no difference; when I received invitations to both the Club Monaco and J. Crew presentations at New York Fashion Week, I was elated… and then the panic set in. What on earth would I wear? I arrived in New York one day too late to attend the Club Monaco show, which left me with only one outfit to worry about – but worry I did. Pink suits may not appeal to me, but knowing that I would be in a room with style giants like Jenna Lyons and Garance Dore was enough to give me palpitations. Just when I thought I had it all sorted out, I checked the forecast for New York and discovered it was expected to be thirty degrees with high humidity on the day of the presentation, which meant I was back to square one. A visit to the Gentlefawn showroom here in Vancouver was the answer to my fashion prayers – there was a single Tywyn dress left on the rack, a dreamy piece in silky white and grey tie-dye. Because if I’ve learned anything from Garance and every other  effortlessly dressed French woman I admire, the trick to dressing for an event is to under do it – that way, even your inner seven-year-old self is giddy, you can breeze in looking sophisticated, like the kind of person who gets invited to every event J. Crew ever hosts. Fake it until you make it, you know? It really was brutally hot the day of the J. Crew presentation, so I doubt I could have worn anything other than this outfit, anyway, but I loved the choice I made, which was really more important. And since I did love this outfit, I made sure to photograph it in the most spectacular location possible – my favourite part of New York, which technically isn’t in New York, but spans the water between two boroughs – Brooklyn Bridge. For me, it just never gets old.

…mais parfois, je me stress au sujet de me tenues. Lors du lancement de mon blog, mes deux marques préférées furent Club Monaco et J. Crew. Plusieurs années de tentatives vestimentaires plus tard, mon style a beaucoup changé – bien que je ne portais jamais beaucoup de couleurs, mon dressing présent est tout à fait neutre. J’aime toujours la qualité esthétique du Club Monaco et de J.Crew, mais ni l’un ni l’autre correspond vraiment à ce que j’aime porter en ce moment. Et cependant, il se trouve que ça n’a aucune importance; quand j’ai reçu des invitations aux présentations Club Monaco et J. Crew à New York Fashion Week, j’étais ravie… et puis, c’était la panique. Qu’est-ce que j’allais mettre ? Enfin, je suis arrivée à New York un jour trop tard pour assister à la présentation Club Monaco, donc j’ai pu m’inquiéter au sujet d’une seule tenue – celle pour la présentation J. Crew. Les tailleurs roses que la marque propose pour l’automne ne sont pas mon truc, et pourtant, sachant que j’allais passer quelques heures dans la même salle que Jenna Lyons et Garance Doré, j’ai voulue absolument choisir la tenue parfaite. Et le moment où je me suis enfin mis d’accord sur mon look, j’ai regardé la météo – il allait faire bien trop chaud pour le look que j’avais prévu, donc me suis retrouvée au point de départ. C’est la marque Gentlefawn qui m’a enfin sauvé – il restait une seule robe Tywyn dans leur showroom, toute soyeuse en blanc et grise comme j’aime. J’ai eu un énorme coup de coeur, et j’ai su que c’était la robe pour la présentation J. Crew – car si j’ai appris quelque chose de Garance, et d’Inès, et de toutes les femmes françaises que j’admire, c’est de ne jamais être trop habillée lors d’un grand événement – comme ça, même si au fond de vous-même, vous êtes folle de joie, vous pouvez arriver en toute tranquillité, comme si c’est normal que J. Crew vous invite à toutes leurs présentations et fêtes. C’est comme nous disons en anglais – fake it until you make it. Le jour de la présentation, il faisait incroyablement chaud, donc je n’aurais pas pu mettre plus qu’une petite robe, mais j’ai adoré ma tenue, et ça, c’est l’important. Et comme j’ai adoré ma tenue, j’ai voulu la photographier dans un endroit spectaculaire – le pont Brooklyn. Bien que touristique, je m’en lasse jamais de ce monument.

10 comments so far.

10 responses to “I don’t chase anything but…”

  1. I definitely do not miss the heat and humidity of that area at the end of summer and into the early fall! But it looks like you found a perfectly dreamy thing to wear – it looks lovely on you.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. My eyes gravitated straight to your dress Cee! It is beautiful. It’s grown up tie dye! Love the booties & hat you paired with it. New York can get hot. My aunt would go there and tell me about it. Glad you got to JCrew. They’re changing their style also. My style is very minimal. It’s something how as you get older your tastes change.

  3. YES, love, love this outfit + that location couldn’t be more stunning! And I’m so excited you visited the J.Crew presentation… no matter where my fashion tastes may take me, like you, I’m always excited by their style choices and collections!! Oooh, as for your bag? Oh my gosh, my favourite motto, like ever!! xo


  4. lyddiegal says:

    Isn’t is always the same – we have a closet full of clothes, and then an event comes up and we simply must buy something new, because nothing we currently have could ever possibly fill our sartorial dreams. I’m so glad this dress came your way, it is so perfectly effortless, chic, and you.
    Chic on the Cheap

    • That really is the crux of it, isn’t it – we have closets full of beautiful things, but when a big moment comes, none of it seems right. I got lucky this time, but it doesn’t always happen that way…!

  5. Gorgeous photos! Love the neutral tones!!

  6. […] the afternoon, Cee and I took the subway back into Manhattan for the J.Crew presentation in Soho, while the boys […]

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

