Joyeux noël !

December 23, 2016

Christmas has never been my thing – for the last few years I have tried, somewhat half-heartedly; decorating a stubby fake tree and choosing a pretty, if slightly more pastel than would be considered traditional, colour-theme for wrapping paper and ribbons. This year, I gave up completely, and I’m okay with that, because one of the most important lessons I’ve learned this year, perhaps belatedly, is that the human experience is not so much about enjoying every moment as it is about having the right people around you to commiserate over moments that are, inevitably, annoying, awkward and seemingly interminable; people with whom you will be able to laugh at the memories of those moments for years to come. So, however you celebrate – and whether or not you do – this year, I want to wish you all a memorable holiday, whatever that may turn out to mean.

Noël, ça n’a jamais était mon truc – ces dernières années, j’ai fait un effort, bien que sans beaucoup de conviction ; j’ai monté un sapin et j’ai choisi du papier cadeau, avec du ruban cadeau de la même couleur, selon mes envies du moment (c’est-à-dire toujours de couleur pastel, non rouge ou vert.) Cette année, j’ai renoncé à presque tout, et peu importe. J’ai appris une leçon très importante cette année, peut-être tardivement : il vaut mieux ne pas profiter de chaque moment. L’expérience humaine se démarque par ses moments de joie autant que par ses moments ordinaires. L’essentiel, c’est de vous entourer de personnes avec qui vous pouvez compatir dans les moments (inévitables) d’agacement, de gêne et d’ennui ; des gens avec qui vous allez pouvoir vous souvenir de ces moments en riant. Et alors, peu importe comment vous fêtez – et même si vous ne fêtez pas – je vous souhaite une saison mémorable.

6 comments so far.

6 responses to “Joyeux noël !”

  1. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful holiday!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Happy holidays, Cee! We’re in full blown Xmas mode here, and it’s honestly my favourite time of year! I’m 100% cheesy about it. My table was planned months ago, our wrapping paper coordinates with all my other house touches, and we’ll be soaking in every second. We honestly have soooo much fun!! Haha! As for celebrating?! Yes, there are no rules and you should do exactly as you want. When we lived downtown our tradition was to go out for Chinese food on the 25th, just Martin & I, it was the best!! xo

  3. Kim Alston says:

    Cee, don’t feel bad! I only put up a wreath this year. Between the house & my mom I have been consumed. LOL I’ve learned to let go and realize Christmas can’t be the same each and every year. Do what you love! That’s all that is important. Wishing you & your husband a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  4. Sherin says:

    Hope you have a fabulous Christmas!

  5. lyddiegal says:

    Thanks Cee! I hope your Christmas turned out to be enjoyable, memorable, and merry.

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

