(Travel Diary) Montmartre

August 13, 2013
I first moved to Paris in 2009 – albeit only for a few months – and I had an apartment on rue de Clignancourt in Montmartre. The neighbourhood can be a bit rough, particularly near Barbes-Rochechouart metro station, which teems with bootleg cigarette vendors chanting, Marlboro, Marlboro, Marlboro; the three-card monte dealers; the counterfeit handbag salesmen and the man who roasts chesnuts in a metal gas can. But in spite of its flaws, or perhaps because of them, Montmartre, with its cobbled streets and old sidewalk cafes, will always feel like home to me.
J’ai déménagé à Paris pour la première fois en 2009 – bien que pour seulement trois mois – et je louais un appartement dans la rue de Clignancourt à Montmartre. Le quartier est parfois un peu difficile, surtout près de la station Barbes-Rochechouart, qui fourmille des vendeurs de cigarettes contrebandes qui scandent, Marlboro, Marlboro, Marlboro; des donneurs de bonneteau; des vendeurs des sacs créateurs falsifiés et un homme qui fait rôtir les marrons dans un jerrican. Mais malgré ses défauts, ou peut-être à cause d’eux, je serai toujours chez moi à Montmartre.
39 comments so far.

39 responses to “(Travel Diary) Montmartre”

  1. I love this whole series of photos – such an amazing looking place, I can see why it always felt like home.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  2. June says:

    Gorgeous photos!! I would love it if you came by to my blog http://www.JuneWantsItAll.com and we could follow each other if you like!

  3. Ahhh, I wish I was right there, right now! x

  4. Sinem says:

    Beautiful pictures!

  5. Nina says:

    Gorgeous photos! I love Montmartre but always get cornered by those men trying to sell Eiffel Tower keychains or heinously expensive friendship bracelets. The views up there are fantastic though and I'm so jealous you got to live there!
    Nina from little nomad

  6. You are so lucky to see this beautiful place everyday!


  7. Meghan Silva says:

    Beautiful pics Cee *sigh* Paris oh Paris. Hope you've been awesome.

  8. oh honey, i recognise some of the side streets here 😉 we stayed in Monmartre for the weekend in March 😉 ahh, good memories! xo

  9. What beautiful pictures. It's been a while since I've been to Paris, but from the photos I can remember and see why you love it so much and feel that it is home, despite the Marlboro singers ha ha – I guess that's what makes it Paris! Enjooooy

  10. Fancy Melody says:

    Je crois que Montmartre est le seul endroit de Paris où je n'ai pas encore mis les pieds et tes photos me donnent encore plus envie de le découvrir!

  11. Kim Alston says:

    So pretty! I love the outdoor cafes. So nice to sit outside, talk, drink & eat.

  12. Nancy says:

    these photos are GORGEOUS!! I hope to visit Paris one day myself…one day soon! =)


  13. These pictures of lovely!! I would love to visit one day! It's beautiful!
    Sincerely, Sara

  14. Such a besutiful pics! Love Montmartre is one of my favorite places in Paris.
    Kiss from México city.

  15. Denisa says:

    Sooo nice pics. Have a great day.


  16. Lilli says:

    Hi Cee! Hope you had fun in Rome and an amazing time over there, looking forward to see the photos on the blog!:) I think Montmartre is a typical district of Paris, when I read or hear the name I soon think os artists, painters and good food!:) These photos are stunning dear, you always make me dream! Kisses and have a good evening! xo

  17. HiFashion says:

    I love Paris so much too. The Montmarte area is absolutely gorgeous.

  18. LyddieGal says:

    The feeling of home always blinds you to all other flaws, I've noticed. They way you've captured it, it looks to be the most beautiful neighborhood in Paris.

  19. Maiken says:

    oh my how pretty those photos are! 🙂 the first one took my breath away, hehe. the light is just so amazing. oh and the last one is wonderful too. overall I just love seeing those photos that reflect Paris through your eyes. so far they've been only wonderful 🙂

    Maikeni blogi – part of me

  20. Lovely post! Love Paris too
    Congrats for your blog !

    I appreciate that you have the same interest in fashion, style and beauty, maybe when you have time wanna visite my page:

    Silvia, kisses !

  21. oh Cee, it just looks as though that town is bathed in golden light year round! what tremendous photographs to emphasize the beauty of its every pathway. i don't sense any shady dealings but a little behind the scenes sketch sorta adds to an ambiance – just like G-town and all its alleyway “alumni”! baha 😉 i can see why this place holds special appeal for you, it's lovely lades! xo ♥

  22. this is such a lovely post! I like these images so much!

    A Lovely Shelter, a Decor Blog.

  23. Lucie Rose says:

    Mon endroit préféré de Paris…

  24. Roxii says:

    I went here in February for the 3rd time, it's beautiful! What amazing photos!


  25. This is one of my favourite places in Paris, the first one I always visit. x

  26. Montmartre is one of my fav place when I go to Paris, fantastic pictures Cee!


  27. j'adore la photo du café La Boheme!
    tes clichés sont superbes


  28. Very nice pictures
    check my blog if you want too:)
    NEW POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog

  29. Manonnn says:

    Je ne sais pas comment tu fais à chaque fois tes photos sont magnifiques avec un petit plus plein de magie que je ne sais pas comment décrire!!!


  30. Imogen says:

    So pretty, looks impressive to me.

  31. Miss K says:

    I've always dreamed of living in Paris 🙂 must be really dreamy!

  32. Je viens à Paris dans 2 semaines et ce, pour la 1ère fois. Tes photos me donnent encore plus envie d'y aller, elles sont très belles.

    Bisous 🙂

  33. Caro * says:

    J'adore Montmartre, lorsque je vivais à Paris, je m'y rendais souvent avec Fifi. C'est un lieu mythique et tellement charment que l'on ne peut que l'aimer. Tes photos sont sublimes, les prises de vues sont parfaites, bisous 😉

  34. I love your pictures of Paris!
    And yes, it's odd how the 18th arrondissement has the both extreme wealth and poverty in terms of population.

  35. Bonjour. Je me suis permise de mentionner ton billet dans le cadre de ma revue de blogs montmartroise : http://www.lulufrommontmartre.com/article-des-blogs-sur-la-butte-40-119657385.html
    J'espère que le lien ainsi que le crédit sur la photo te conviendront. Bonne journée. Lulu

  36. These photos are striking – the buttery sunlight over a cobblestone street, the view-from-above of cafe loungers. Great photography.

  37. Cee says:

    Thank-you all for your sweet comments, girls!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

