Tan Lines and Bug Bites

August 19, 2013
Sezane blouse
Vintage Levi’s cut-offs (via Brag Vintage)
H&M flats
Fashionology necklace
Fashionology bracelet
RayBan sunglasses
Just in case any of you still thought travelling was glamourous, let me dispel the myth… I did everything I could to prepare for my recent trip to Rome; I knew it would be extremely hot in the Eternal City so I went on a hunt for a pair of shorts I would love wearing for the better part of five straight days. This is no easy feat when you’re petite and curvy, especially when you live in a city where the price of anything with a vintage Levi’s tag is similar to the price of gold. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Brag Vintage, a UK-based site with an incredible selection of vintage denim. I fell in love with these coral-hued cutoffs pretty much at first site and the rest is history. I felt so prepared, but all of my efforts were in vain, because there were three things I didn’t count on; the first was getting run over by a heavy suitcase, which left me with a big bruise on my right ankle {see last photo for evidence.} The second one should have been obvious, but I haven’t had a tan for more than a minute since I moved to Vancouver, so the idea that I would be parading around Rome with feet that were darker than my calves which were lighter than my knees {etc., etc.} didn’t occur to me {but that’s exactly what I did; see all photos for proof.} And the third was the bugs. I’ve always been very allergic to bug bites, but the Italian mosquitos were something else… I think I may be left with scars from my {many} encounters with them! All that said, although I may not have been at my most stylish in Rome, I had a fabulous time getting reacquainted with the city, introducing Ian to my favourite places and indulging in far more bowls of tonnarello cacio e pepe than I reasonably needed. This week will be all about Rome, so get ready for beautiful scenery and a lot of gelato snapshots!

Si par chance vous aviez toujours l’impression que voyager, c’est glamour, je vous raconte mon voyage à Rome… j’ai tout fait pour me préparer. Je savais qu’il allait faire super chaud en Italie, donc je me suis mise à la recherche d’un short en denim que j’aimerais mettre quasi-quotidiennement pendant cinq jours, ce qui n’était pas évident car je suis petite et pulpeuse et car les Levi’s vintage coutent presque autant que l’or à Paris. Heureusement, j’ai tombé sur Brag Vintage, une e-boutique britannique avec une sélection vaste de denim vintage et j’ai tombé amoureuse de ces Levi’s couleur corail sur le coup. Je me croyais tout à fait prête, mais mes efforts furent en vain car il y avait trois choses auxquelles je n’attendais pas. La première – me faire écraser par une grosse valise, résultat duquel j’avais un énorme bleu sur ma cheville droite pendant tout le séjour {voir la preuve dans la dernière photo.} La deuxième – les marques de bronzage. Celle-ci aurait dû être indéniable, mais je ne me suis pas bronzé depuis mon déménagement à Vancouver il y a plusieurs années donc l’idée que j’allais me promener dans la capitale italienne avec des pieds plus bruns que mes mollets qui étaient moins bruns que mes genoux ne m’est jamais venu à l’esprit – mais c’est exactement ça que j’ai fait {voir la preuve dans toutes les photos ci-haut.} Et la troisième – les insectes. J’en suis allergique depuis ma jeunesse mais les moustiques italiens furent autre chose. J’attends porter des stigmates de leurs piqures pendant longtemps ! Bien que je n’étais pas en pleine forme lors de mon séjour à Rome, j’y ai passé un très agréable moment à me rerenseigner sur la ville, à l’introduire à Ian et à manger beaucoup, beaucoup de pâtes ! Cette semaine je ne vous parlerai que de Rome – tenues, paysages et gelato !

44 comments so far.

44 responses to “Tan Lines and Bug Bites”

  1. Pooja Mittal says:

    Wil surely check out brag vintage … You look lovely in those cute short..
    Loved your bangle..

    Dont forget to enter my giveaway.
    Keep in touch,

  2. BarbaraVu says:

    Girl, you look gorgeous. I love the lipstick !

  3. Cute shorts on Lovely curves

  4. Well, you still look super cute in these photos…bruises and bug bites and all! Glad you had a great trip.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  5. j'aime bien tes ballerines rouges!
    joli look miss.


  6. Léna says:

    Malgré les marques de bronzage et le bleu sur la cheville, tu es quand même très jolie 🙂

  7. Elle Sees says:

    i visited rome around christmastime, so i'm always interested to see pics of it in the summer!

  8. Mounette says:

    oula pas mal de misère lol mais je t'assure que ce short est top!

  9. Adorable ce short avec tes ballerines 🙂

  10. Rebecca says:

    I don't think I've ever seen you this casual; and it suits you so well!

  11. Rebecca says:

    Awwww poor girl….but don't worry you are looking great & sexy in those cut-offs!! I approve that you broke out of the blue denim mold into putting more colors in your travel outfit!


  12. Cara says:

    such cute shorts! Love seeing you more casual-Can't wait to see the shots!
    xo Cara

  13. JennaStevie says:

    Ohhh Cee, I absolutely love this look!! It's differen for you but still so you, if that makes sense. I have wanted cut offs like this all summer and never found ones that fit quite right. The colour of these ones is perfect, especially with the simple black tank. Your poor ankle!! That's no fun at all, my shins/ankles are constantly bruised from soccer and it hurts!

  14. Purple Ivy says:

    I really like this look on you. Its a change from your usually ultra glam self.


  15. Lilli says:

    Lol Cee, you made me so smile, when I see the first photo I thought the same, mosquitos bites are so bad and annoying, I got many when I wear shorts too!^^' But let me say that the color of your skin is perfect and you dont need any tan! Looking so lovely, fell in love with the shorts as well! Looking forward to see all the posts from Rome, glad you had a great time over there!:) Bisous! xo

  16. Kim Alston says:

    oh nooo cee! hahaha those roman bugs loved you. i hate mosquitoes of any fashion. they welp me up too. i hope you're getting some relief now. i bruise too! it's horrible. cute outfit and i love that feather necklace.

  17. Sasha says:

    Ohhh, I fell your pain with the bugs! I also get allergic to the bug bites! I still hope you had an amazing trip, though! 🙂

  18. Michaela says:

    I'm excited for this week's posts! You look so chic even in short shorts.

  19. Boheme.Fille says:

    Ohh, mosquitos, I hate those little fellows, but they seem to love me!
    And I know about the petite and curvy “thing”…I never find a pair of shorts that fit me right!
    With all the problems, you still managed to look great, those shorts are perfect for you!

  20. ANDYSTYLE says:

    love the shorts 🙂 great look! andy

  21. love those shorts! the color is great! <3


  22. HiFashion says:

    Love those coloured cut offs. They look great on you. Ahhh, I got bruises and bites on my recent trip too. I'm so clumsy with my bags! I also currently have the weirdest and wonkiest tan.

  23. I love those shorts!! Perfect color and they look great on you! They make your legs look so long! Bruises, tan lines, and bug bites — such is life unfortunately!

  24. Caro * says:

    Tu es radieuse ma belle, ce short est vraiment très beau et il s'associe parfaitement avec tes jolies ballerines 🙂

  25. Cee, those shorts are a beautiful find and I adore the coral colour. Plus, you've given them such a chic but still casual vibe that I just love. Also, could your up-do be any prettier?? Mine always manages to look quite horrendous. And Rome, Martin just sighed, as did I. I'm sure the food and scenery must be magnificent there. Can not wait for a weeks worth of it!! Sending big, big hugs!!

    By The Shore

  26. LyddieGal says:

    Few things are worse than being devoured by bugs – especially since they itch for days and days!
    The cutoffs you chose are fabulous, I love the coral color, a very nice choice. Maybe your Roman holiday wasn't quite as glamorous as you would have liked, but eventually the bites and tan lines will fade and only the good memories will remain.

    Chic on the Cheap

  27. Looking forward to this week ahead and seeing all you pics! I'm glad I'm not the only one whose body parts don't all share the same color. Seriously, color-wise, my legs have never matched my upper half and is likely the reason I shy away from knee length skirts and dresses in the summer. I know, its a vicious cycle. Your outfit is simple and cute, yet stylish. You look a girl from Paris visiting one of her favorite places abroad! 😉

  28. Meghan Silva says:

    Well bugs and bruises aside I love the outfit. If its any consolation I returned from my trip with a million and one bruises all over my leg and I don't even know how haha.

  29. At least you had a great time. 🙂

  30. Elofancy says:

    :-O hoo première fois que je te vois en short et ça te va terriblement bien !!
    bises, elo

  31. Even with all the bruises and bug bites, you still look stunning!

    Kate xo petite-adventures.blogspot.ca

  32. Sinem says:

    You are so sweet that I can not accuse bugs, they could not help biting you 🙂

  33. Hanna Lee says:

    Great summery outfit 🙂 Love the lipstick color on u!

  34. Maiken says:

    gosh, how did you even get those tan lines? they look so illogical! 😛 oh and “good” old mosquito bites.. those just drive us crazy. I hate scratching myself but when there are mosquito bites there also is mad scratching. sad but true, boo. anyway, what I actually wanted to say was that I totally adore the colour of your denim shorts. it's just absolutely perfect for a beautiful summer vacation 🙂

    Maikeni blogi – part of me

  35. Keit says:

    Hahaha, didn't knew wearing shorts could be so challenging! 😀
    The bruises are quite unnoticeable, no worries there. And you have such amazing legs, I don't think anyone would pay the slightest attention to the tan lines!

  36. I usually find tan shades quite funny, because I can never ever tan in an even way. But mosquito bites – that is something else! On my trip to the mountain side there were no mosquitoes, but as soon as we got to the sea side, things changed dramatically :((

  37. darned bug bites hey, i've got a few clusters myself and can't help but scratch the shhh out of them 🙁 um, those coral cut-offs are absolutely darling on you Cee!! love this look, it's chic and casual all rolled up into one. and ombre legs are something i'm familiar with too, with girls it's the opposite of a farmers tan, we get the awesome results of many layers going up our legs. self tanner is a savior though, i've been applying it all summer long to try and even the score – ha!

    oh well though, all in all your stride wasn't affected, not your beauty! you've risen above all demarcations lades, not to fret. xo ♥

  38. I noticed the same thing about Levi's in France, and this was back in 1999 or so…can only imagine what they're priced at now! Did you ever figure out WHY?
    Happy you found some great cutoffs; this pair looks awesome on you.

  39. Cee says:

    Thank-you so much for all of your wonderful comments, my darlings!

  40. Cee says:

    I never did figure out why, Kat – I can understand the prices being high on new Levi's because of import tax, but when it comes to the used ones, it's a mystery to me!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

