(Writing Diary) In Print

February 27, 2014

There’s nothing quite like holding a printed copy of your own novel in your hands for the first time. After the Shots is available on CreateSpace, Amazon, Amazon UK and Amazon France. Check your local Amazon site, it may just be there, too!

Tenir dans ses mains pour la première une copie publiée de son propre roman, rien ne ressemble. After the Shots est disponible chez CreateSpace, Amazon France, Amazon et Amazon UK. Vérifiez le site Amazon de votre pays, il se peut qu’il y soit aussi !
27 comments so far.

27 responses to “(Writing Diary) In Print”

  1. Mora says:

    tu peux être fière de toi, encore une fois, félicitations ma belle 🙂 🙂 je te souhaite d'en vendre plein plein plein !!


  2. So exciting!!!! Congratulations again.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. OMG! SOOOO exciting!!!
    xo Emma

  4. Amandine says:

    Ça doit être une sensation géniale ! Félicitations, tu dois être super fière !

  5. Oh my god this is amazing!! Congrats, Cee!

  6. Welldone Cee!!! I'm very happy for you :))))))))))) Kisses, Xenia

  7. Vraiment suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper 😀 ♥

    Maêva du blog:

  8. Lilli says:

    Well done Cee, must be an indescribable feeling and emotion!:) Congrats, very happy for you! And you know, Im curious to read it too!:) Looking lovely. Kisses dear xo

  9. LyddieGal says:

    What a wonderful moment, and a HUGE Congratulations to you!!
    Chic on the Cheap

  10. Congrats, Cee! It must be feeling really great!! :))


  11. Caro * says:

    Encore toutes mes félicitations pour ce livre ma belle ! Ce doit être beaucoup d'émotion que de tenir cet ouvrage dans tes mains.Oh que oui, j'ai bien de la chance d'avoir Fifi ! Bisous 🙂

  12. Kim Alston says:

    I think that is so awesome Cee! You worked hard on it and it looks beautiful! Enjoy the fruits of your labor 🙂

  13. JennaStevie says:

    So amazing Cee!! Seriously, such an impressive accomplishment 🙂

  14. That's so amazing Cee! Congrats! 🙂

  15. So beautiful <3 Congratulations!

  16. c'est super, tu dois être si fière! Bravo!


  17. Congratulations Cee. I do hope you celebrated immensely. 🙂

  18. Keit says:

    So excited!!!!! ^_^ Are you excited? Man, I would jump with joy if something I wrote got published. Yaaaaay!!!!! I'm gonna dink a glass of wine, in your honor now!!!! ^_^ So happy for you!

  19. miss b says:

    Wow! Congratulations. That must be a very special moment for you. Well done.

  20. Congrats, Cee! Is this also available for kindle?

  21. Cara says:

    CONGRATS!!! What an exciting moment! Can't wait to read it 😉
    xo Cara

  22. HiFashion says:

    I love the book so much! I read it in a few days. It's written so well and I loved storyline Well done!

  23. Liesa says:

    Huge congratulations, Cee. Such a huge accomplishment. Can't imagine how happy and proud you must be. xx

  24. Félicitation à toi !! Cela doit-être un moment important pour toi. C'est beau un rêve qui se réalise. En tout cas tu es radieuse.
    A bientôt

  25. chachamisu says:

    Congratulation! 🙂

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

