We’re going to NYFW!

August 29, 2016

coco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-opus-bar-style-callingcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-louis-vuitton-vivian-chanel-wallet-on-chain-celine-audrey-sunglasses copycoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-style-blog-top-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-cee-fardoe-brunette-portraitcoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-style-blog-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-style-calling-preparing-for-nyfwcoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-style-blog-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-chanel-wallet-on-chain-design-love-planner-macbook-pro copycoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-fashion-blog-best-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-style-calling-getting-ready-for-fashion-weekExpress tank (c/o)
Lovers + Friends jeans (c/o REVOLVE)
Michael Kors heels
Chanel bag via Modaselle
Keltie Leanne Designs ring (c/o)
Olive + Piper ring (c/o)
Strut Jewelry ring (c/o)
Caroline Neron earrings (c/o)
Make-up by Desiree Worsley
Special thanks to OPUS Bar for hosting us

That’s right – the big news I’ve been hanging onto and hinting at for all this time really is big. In less than two weeks, after months of quietly planning, preparing and, quite frankly, sitting hunched over my laptop and phone with Lyndi by my side in various coffee shops and bars in the neighbourhood, we’ll be boarding a Cathay Pacific flight bound for NYC. New York Fashion Week, here we come! I’ve been blogging for six years now and every season, I’ve watched my American blogger friends have the time of their lives at NYFW. But as a Canadian, particularly a Canadian in Vancouver, the most western major city in the country, which couldn’t be further from New York unless it was actually in the ocean, making the trip has always felt like a huge undertaking and, as I so often do, I’ve worried that even if I went, no one would think I was important enough to invite me to any shows or events. After all, I’ve been watching fashion week in New York from afar since I was twelve-years-old. It’s a big deal and I’m just, well, me. (I’m pretty sure that in my head, I’m still a self-conscious thirteen-year-old who worries no one will want to sit with her at lunch because of her frizzy hair and big white runners.) But finally, this year, I thought, why not me? Why can’t I be part of it? I didn’t come up with a single answer, so the next thing I knew, we were booking plane tickets. We have so much excitement in store for our time in New York that I am tempted to tell you all about immediately, but I think the surprises will be part of the fun – and I can’t wait to bring you all along on our adventures via Snapchat and Instagram. If you’ll be in New York for Fashion Week, let me know in the Comments section!

C’est vrai – la grande nouvelle à laquelle je laisse entendre depuis des semaines, c’est vraiment grande. D’ici moins de deux semaines, après des mois de planification, de preparation et, à vrai dire, de m’assoir dans une variété de caféa dans le quartier, devant mon ordinateur et mon portable, avec Lyndi à côté de moi, je monterai à bord d’un vol Cathay Pacific à direction de New York. New York Fashion Week, nous voilà ! Je tiens mon blog depuis six ans et, à chaque saison, j’observe mes amies blogueuses américaines à NYFW. Mais en tant que canadienne, et surtout en tant que Vancouvéroise, j’habite tellement loin de New York que l’idée de partir pour la semaine de la mode m’a toujours semblé un gros projet. Et en plus, comme toujours, je m’inquiète que même si je partais à New York pendant la semaine de la mode, personne ne soit prête à m’inviter à des défilés ou des fêtes. Je regarde la semaine de la mode depuis mes douze ans, après tout – c’est une grande affaire et, moi, bon, je ne suis que moi. (Dans mon esprit, je demeure une jeune fille de treize ans, maladroite et complexée, qui craint que, à cause de ses cheveux crépus et ses grosses baskets blanches, personne n’ait envie de déjeuner avec elle.) Et cependant, enfin, cette année, je me suis posé la question, et pour quoi pas ? Pourquoi pas moi ? Je ne pouvais pas me répondre, donc nous avons réservé nos billets d’avion sur le coup. Nous avons tellement d’événements passionnants de prévu pour notre séjour et j’ai envie de tout vous raconter maintenant, mais je me retiens pour le moment. J’ai tellement hâte de vous transporter dans notre aventure à travers Snapchat et Instagram. Si vous comptez venir à New York pour la semaine de la mode, dites-moi dans la section Commentaires !

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “We’re going to NYFW!”

  1. That’s really exciting news! I used to head into the city for Fashion Week most years in the time that I lived there and it was definitely an experience!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Lorena says:

    How amazing ! I’m looking forward to all those surprises.

  3. Lyddiegal says:

    How exciting! The little bits of Fashion Week I’ve partook in over the last few years have always been a lot of fun. I don’t really get invited to shows, but I usually show up for a party to or two! Would love to meet up with you!

  4. Rebecca says:

    How amazing that you’re finally going after all this time! I can’t wait to follow along on your journey.

  5. Cee, this is absolutely WONDERFUL! I’m so happy for you two. You’re going to have a blast. New York is already exciting and being there for Fashion Week it will be even more so. What a fabulous adventure! Enjoy and post away! Can’t wait to read those. Plus, your eyeshadow looks so lovely in the picture! 😀

  6. Oh yay, yay, this is such exciting news!! And you can bet I’ll be stalking your instas + snaps and giddy over every minute of it. And I hear ya, I was so nervous to head to Austin for the same reasons, but everyone was so welcoming and as you know… I’m so happy to have those experiences/memories! 🙂 Definitely can’t wait to hear more over wine tomorrow + how gorgeous are these photos?!! Love what both you & Lyndi wore and all the details are absolutely gorgeous too!! xo


  7. Cindy Yu says:

    Look forward to seeing the photos! I’ve been going to the Paris shows for the least 5 years and they’re always amazing – haven’t done NYFW yet so that’s still on my list! See you when you get back!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

