October Mood

October 5, 2018

An October moldboard, featuring brown-toned images, by top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & VeraAll images via Pinterest.

Current mood: Since when is it winter?!

One of the amazing and fascinating things about travel is that it temporarily removes you from your life. All banal every day concerns just disappear while you inhabit a new place and focus on discovery. The problem is that time goes on at home without you. We just spent ten glorious days in Italy, eating a steady diet of pasta and ricotta tarts in the sun. But in the meantime, back home, winter descended, my birthday passed and Thanksgiving is on the immediate horizon. When we came back on Sunday night, I realised I am totally unprepared for all of it.

We left in September but came home in October. We were in flight when the months change, and the shift barely registered. (I was probably sleeping, honestly. Jet lag is real.) When I saw my BFFFFF the other night, he asked, “So how does it feel to be thirty-three?”

“Like I should be taller,” I answered, because otherwise, it doesn’t even quite feel like my birthday happened yet. Of course it did. I wore a special Sezane dress I had saved for the occasion and we drank prosecco on our balcony in Verona. But all of the birthday things that normally happen, the dinners and the cake and the photos, are still on the horizon. It’s like I’m still living the last of September, even though October has decidedly arrived.

But time marches on. It snowed on Wednesday, and as I type this, a sheet of ice covers the surface of my balcony. My coats and boots are out far too early and I am deeply glad I found so many lovely sweaters on our Italian holiday, because I need them all. I will catch up to October, probably soon. But in the meantime, I’m just trying to stay warm – and figure out where to buy cute Thanksgiving serviettes, because the dinner we host every year happens tonight, and I have a lot of catching up to do.

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “October Mood”

  1. Courtney says:

    I love your answer to the inevitable birthday question about how it feels to be a new age. Love it. And I hope you’re settling back after your trip – I always that post-vacation transition to be particularly painful and I drag my feet a lot with it.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Sarah Winton says:

    When I was young I always pictured myself as tall when I grew up. Here I am at almost 39 and I’m still only 5’3″! I feel you Cee! Happy birthday!




  3. What it snowed?!! That’s so darn early!! We’re still having light cardigan & cami weather (most days) and I don’t mind one bit. But glad to hear you were able to experience complete bliss on your trip – it honestly sounds (and looked) absolutely AMAZING!! Plus what a wonderful way to ring in your birthday!! And yay, so glad this feature is back for the month of October. Love how you curate and love, love this mood board!! xo


  4. Lyddiegal says:

    Oof. Snow already? I’m not sure I could stand it. It’s still somewhat summer like here, in terms of humidity, but the sun has also been reluctant to make much of an appearance, so also not my ideal fall weather.

    Birthdays are strange things. You never feel how you think you should feel. I’d like to be getting taller too though!

    I love the quote you’ve included as well.

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. Lyddiegal says:

    I give up. I have been having so much trouble with my comments not showing up these days.

  6. Lorena says:

    I am still living in September.
    I always wonder if I will feel different with each birthday, like suddenly wiser or serious…. haha no.

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

