July Mood

July 3, 2019

An orange-toned, summer-inspired July mood board by top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera

Hello July! …and hello sunshine!

Despite my propensity for chunky knits and ankle boots, I am a summer girl at heart. Summer took its time arriving this year, but with July, warm weather and sunshine have finally arrived. And I am just so ready for it. For months, visions of white dresses and espadrilles have danced in my head. With our trip to Greece now just a little over two months away all I can think about in sunshine, blue skies and sand between my toes.

That said, it is still only July. Our trip to Greece is in September. And in the interim, I have to manage summer vacations for my staff, which, in the first week, is already proving to be a trying task. In that respect, at least, I knew what I signed up for…

…I would love to tell you more about that. But it seems that the rest of the post that I know I wrote and saved yesterday somehow disappeared into some sort of abyss. I know well that I saved the rest of what I wrote, because it didn’t ever cross my mind to scroll through the post this morning and check that it was all there. Why would I need to, after all? I wrote it. I saved it. Everything was ready.

More than twelve hours later, I’ve just noticed that have of my post is missing. If this sets the tone for my July, I am officially looking forward to it far less than I thought I was.

As for the rest of what I wrote? None of it was earth-shattering, of course. It probably wasn’t particularly meaningful, in the grand scheme of things. But as a writer, I can honestly say that there is nothing I find more frustrating than losing words I’ve penned knowing, I can never truly rewrite them the same way again. The right words are fleeting, and not always easy to come by. So, rather than making an effort to recreate a post that will never really be the same as the original, I will just leave this year. And hope that you are all having a better start to this month than I am.

Happy July, my friends!

3 comments so far.

3 responses to “July Mood”

  1. The most perfect summer inspiration, and yay – vacay countdown is on!! Greece will be such a lovely way to end off summer and I’m already getting excited for all the photos, etc. In the meantime counting down to our Skype chat this Friday!! xo

    http://www.veronikanovotny.com (life + style blog)

  2. Mica says:

    How frustrating some of your post went missing! I hope it means your July can only improve from now, and it sounds like you have a wonderful trip ahead of you 🙂

    Hope that you have a great weekend ahead of you! Going to be a rainy one here so will be a quiet one for us 🙂


  3. Lydia says:

    I hate losing words. Thankfully I’ve only lost an entire post once, but I lose comments all the time, and you are so right – there is no getting them back. I’m glad things are finally warming up for you, and envious that you’ve got Greece to look forward to in a few short months. Also, I too, always keep cut lemons in my bag – it’s the best, you never know when you are going to need a cut lemon. 😉
    Chic on the Cheap

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

