September Mood

September 4, 2019

A September mood board in shades of beige and peach by top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera

September feels like the month I’ve been waiting for – and that’s because it is. This is the month we board a plane for a sun soaked (almost) ten days in Athens. The trip is my very real reward for half a year of corporate drudgery. Apart from brief interludes in Vancouver and Minneapolis, I’ve spent the better part of the last six months alternately waiting in airports en route to meetings and wishing I was waiting in an airport en route to a meeting. All because the seemingly neverending series of complaints I’ve received (and had to find a satisfactory response to) while in the office has been, in ten words or less, soul crushing. I like my job, generally. And I’m good at it. But this season has been a slog.

And so, I’m starting September in a hopeful, anticipatory mood. This in spite of the fact that the sun has all but disappeared from our skies in the past two weeks. All while temperatures continue to dip lower every day. I’m not ready to let go of summer just yet. And in my imagination, I’m already somewhere sunnier. Probably sitting under the shade of a lemon tree with my sunglasses on, glass of wine in hand. We didn’t get much of my favourite season this year. Warm weather came late and didn’t stay long. So I can’t wait to get a second chance at enjoying all that summer has to offer – with no pesky work deadlines or household chores to get in my way.

As if a vacation wasn’t enough… September is also the month I celebrate my birthday. I turn thirty-four on the twenty-fourth. But to be honest, in my mind, I think I’m already there. The difference between thirty-three and thirty-four is relatively insignificant, really. With that said, I still always look forward to the opportunity for new adventures that a new age or season or year brings with it. (The fact that I have an excuse to treat myself to a few nice things to celebrate my birthday when it comes around each year doesn’t hurt, either. Hello, soon-to-be-new-coat. I see you, future flats.)

For lots of people, September means its time to get back to reality. But for me, especially this year, it’s my chance to pretend that I live my fantasy life – even if only for a short time. And I am here for it.

What does September mean for you this year?

2 comments so far.

2 responses to “September Mood”

  1. I’m so excited for your trip and it sounds like you SO deserve it!!! I love that fantasy life… it’s so much fun to escape every once in a while and dream up all the outfits – keeps a person sane I think!! As for me, September means a time of new beginnings and re-alignment of my passions / life goals. Plus doesn’t hurt that fall is my favourite season EVER!!!! xo (life + style blog)

  2. Lydia says:

    The end of the summer to me always feels soul crushing. While everyone is squealing over sweaters and layers my mind has already jumped ahead to the long, cold, dark months we have to get through before spring shows its face again. I would love to have a sunny summer retreat to look forward to, but my sister is moving back to Connecticut this month, so there will be no California escape anytime soon. Hopefully I can live vicariously through your Greece photos.
    Chic on the Cheap

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

