
February 15, 2021

Coco & Vera - Wilfred coat, Nastygal boots, Celine Audrey sunglassesCoco & Vera - Chanel jumbo quilted handbag, Old Navy leggings, Nasty Gal bootsCoco & Vera - Anthropologie beret, Wilfred coat, Chanel handbagCoco & Vera - Celine Audrey sunglasses, Anthropologie beret, Zara glovesCoco & Vera - Nasty Gal boots, Wilfred coat, Old Navy leggingsWilfred coat (similar)
Wilfred sweater (similar)
Old Navy leggings (similar)
Nasty Gal boots
Chanel handbag
Anthropologie beret
Zara gloves (similar)
Celine sunglasses
Location: The Exchange District – Winnipeg, Manitoba

I can honestly say that I never thought I would appear in this space wearing leggings unless I was writing about fitness, but… needs must. For the past several weeks, we’ve been living through a weather phenomenon most commonly described as a polar vortex. (Seriously. It’s a real thing.) The weather is, in a word, frigid. Temperatures fall so far below zero some days that exposed skin can freeze without seconds. When I walked across the street to the grocery store last week, my hood blew off halfway home in a strong gust of wind and I was genuinely concerned about losing part of my ear.

Like I said – frigid.

It isn’t much better inside than outside. These kinds of temperatures are hard to keep at bay. The floor along the exterior walls of our apartment are icy, even when we turn the heat on. I dress in layers of tank tops and turtlenecks, sweatpants over leggings to stay warm – and still spend most of my time under a blanket. If it sounds unglamourous, that’s because it is. We took these snapshots very quickly on what was a relatively warm day, but you can actually see the cold in the air in the pictures – it’s the heavy blue tint on the images that can’t truly be removed, no matter how many yellow filters you layer on top.

This is the reality of winter in Winnipeg. And this year, this is how I’m dressing for it. I’m hopeful that in a few weeks, it will warm up a bit and I’ll have a few more sartorial options. (I just ordered a pair of bermuda shorts, for heaven’s sake!) But for now, this is what I’m wearing to survive the frigid winter temperatures. While it’s not what I would consider my first choice, I think it does prove what I have long and stubbornly believed; style and comfort don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

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3 comments so far.

3 responses to “Frigid”

  1. Courtney says:

    The weather has been absolutely brutal, hasn’t it? All of my windows are frozen shut with ice on the inside and my front door as a thin layer of frost, on the inside! I’m so happy the temperatures are supposed to improve a bit this week.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Veronika says:

    Happy new week, Cee! Thank you so much for your sweet vow renewal blog comment. Made my day!! And gah, that sounds cold! We had a little taste of it last week – our temps dropped to -12 overnight, and thanks to windchill felt like -20. Definitely not used to it!! And LOVE this outfit & those boots!! Have loved seeing you style them on your Insta stories. They’re gorgeous and you pull them off beautifully!! xo

    My Curated Wardrobe

  3. Chelsea Finn says:

    This winter has been rough! I live in Philadelphia so it hasn’t been nearly as cold but we’re definitely experiencing more snow than we have in probably a decade. Stay warm!!

    xx Chelsea

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

