Taking Flight

August 17, 2021

Coco & Vera - Sezane Anil sweater, Realisation Par skirt, Mango handbagCoco & Vera - Mango handbag, Linjer rings, Zara sunglassesCoco & Vera - Sezane top, Realisation Par skirt, Mango handbagCoco & Vera - Sezane top, Zara sunglasses, Realisation Par skirtCoco & Vera - Sezane top, Zara sandals, Mango handbagSezane sweater
Realisation Par skirt
Zara sandals (similar)
Mango handbag
Zara sunglasses
Celine necklace 
Linjer rings (c/o)
Location: The Ambassador Apartments – Winnipeg, Manitoba

It feels absolutely surreal to think this, never mind to say it – but yesterday, I booked a flight to Paris.

The idea of taking flight after almost two full years on the ground… after almost two full years of avoiding leaving our apartment as much as possible… seems almost unthinkable. While I always knew that someday we’d travel again, I didn’t imagine it like this. In the early days, I thought public health measures could quickly and effectively bring the pandemic under control. My belief in the ability of the global community to come together to fight this threat was strong. I was quickly proven wrong. But in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary, I’ve remained optimistic that we will someday get back to normal every step of the way.

Maybe I’ll be right, in the end. But the path out of this global health crisis seems less clearly marked to me now than ever before. Every time I do something new, I question if it’s too soon. I ask myself if I might be taking an unnecessary risk. And knowing myself, I know that the longer I go on like this, hesitating in the name of safety, the less likely I will be able to return to my normal, pre-pandemic self in the future. The habits and reflexes will be too hard for me, who thrives on routine, to break.

So, perhaps emboldened by having taken my first trip since February 2020, to a cabin with my parents, my brother and his girlfriend, I booked a flight. I booked it even though it feels too soon. And like a risk. And I know that in the seven weeks before we depart, everything could change… and then change again. I booked it because the longer I stay in one place, the less safe leaving will feel for me, even if the level of actual risk decreases. So I bought a ticket because I need to face the risk, before my anxiety cripples me completely. Before my nightmares about crowded airports full of unmasked travelers, which have recurred with increasing frequency this year, develop into a full blown phobia that keeps me on the ground for good.

Everyone is different. When it feels right to resume different activities will be different for everyone. For me, it’s never going to truly feel right – so I just have to take the leap to prove to myself that I’ll survive it. I leap before I look… and that’s almost always because I’m covering my eyes, hoping I’m not at the edge of a cliff.

A flight to Paris… it’s a nervewracking prospect. But also a beautiful one.

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2 comments so far.

2 responses to “Taking Flight”

  1. Courtney says:

    I’m so envious! I feel like any type of significant travel for me will be dependent on a vaccine for children becoming available as I can’t imagine having to add a bunch of extra days to either end of a trip to quarantine with Eleanor – but my fingers are crossed that that day with arrive soon so things can really return to something approaching normalcy for us.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. I’m SO excited for you!!! And EXCITED to stalk the heck out of your Insta stories!! I’m sure it will be a very different trip, but 100% worth it. And couldn’t agree with you more, everything feels too soon for me too. I’m seeing my mom soon, we’ll be masked, but in the car together, (and it feels too soon), Hotel Georgia in September (feels too soon) – but hoping we can do it all safely and find our way through this crazy time!! Because yes, the alternative is to lock myself away in my house & end up riddled with anxiety. Can’t wait to chat more about your trip via Skype!!! xo

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

