Lisbon Travel Guide

November 9, 2012
Lisbon, Portugal
Alfama River III – Lisbon Apartments
Casanova  |  Bica do Sapato  |  Faz Figura  |  Pasteis de Belem
Paris em Lisboa  |  Alexandra Moura
Carmo Convent  |  Torre de Belem  |  Jeronimos Monastery


I didn’t know what to expect in Lisbon. I probably should have done more research before we went, honestly… you live and learn. After a very bumpy landing in the Portuguese capital, the first thing I noticed on the ground was the colour. From bright flowers to crystal clear skies and fantasy white churches just crying out to be turned into postcards, Lisbon is a feast for the eyes. A city on the ocean, it is prone to earthquakes, a fact that is acutely apparent at the ruins of the Carmo Monastery, where King Fernando II watches over what remains of the crypt. It is a city of boats and watch towers, like the Torre de Belem, and the home of some of history’s greatest explorers, including Vasco de Gama, whose discoveries seem to be commemorated on almost every corner. In Lisbon, I saw all of the things I love to see when I visit a new place; churches and trains stations, unusual graffiti and fountains and pretty shops… and yet I came home feeling as though I had scarcely scratched the surface of a true Portuguese experience. I think part of that had to do with my food experiences; just a little travel tip from me to you – Lisbon is a very hard place to be a vegetarian!


Je ne savais pas à quoi m’attendre à Lisbonne. J’avoue, j’aurais probablement dû faire plus de recherches avant de partir… Leçon tirée. Apres un atterrissage agité à la capitale Portugaise, j’ai d’abord remarqué la couleur. La Lisbonne est un régal pour les yeux, avec des fleurs vifs, un ciel bleu cristal et des églises blanc fantasme, chacun parmi eux digne d’être représenté sur une carte postale. Une ville au bord de l’océan, elle est encline à des tremblements de terre, un fait qui se voit très facilement dans les ruines du monastère Carmo, où le roi Ferdinand II veille sur ce qui reste de la crypte. Elle est une ville de navires et de tours de guet, comme le Torre de Belem, et elle a produit quelques-uns des plus grands explorateurs de l’histoire, y compris Vasco de Gama, les découverts duquel sont commémorer dans presque chaque rue. À Lisbonne, j’ai vu toutes les choses que je cherche comme touriste ; des églises et des gares de train, des graffitis originaux et des fontaines et des jolies boutiques… et pourtant j’ai retourné chez moi avec l’impression de ne pas vraiment avoir connu la ville, au moins partiellement à cause de mes expériences avec la cuisine Portugaise. Si vous êtes végétarienne, je vous conseille d’apporter vos propres repas à Lisbonne si possible… !
45 comments so far.

45 responses to “Lisbon Travel Guide”

  1. Je suis portugaise et effectivement, le Portugal c'est beau. Lisbonne est une belle grande ville. Effectivement, être végétarienne là bas c'est très compliqué. Toutes les spécialités sont composés principalement de porc. Tres peu de poisson même si tout le monde pense qu'on mange de la morue à tous les repas.

  2. SvGLove says:

    I couldn't agree more with what you said. I've been to Lisbon recently and had a great time! The city (and also around) is full of beautiful, interesting sights! Cannot wait to go there one more time;)
    And those postcards-like-photos are indeed so;)

  3. Anaivilo says:

    Oh this is one of my favorite cities..I have been there twice. I love it!:D

  4. Noush says:

    Tes photos sont vraiment belles !

  5. Nicoleta says:

    I Like the 8th photo,It's a wonderful place!
    Hope you had fun!

  6. Jodi says:

    great photos!! love how you are presenting them as well!! Jodi

  7. Cara says:

    Amazing photos, how lovely you got to go!
    xo Cara

  8. Stefanie says:

    Ah my home country…well my parents but I have visited and lived there for several months. I love love love Portugal and I totally agree it is very difficult to find a vegetarian meal in the entire country, but I must say nothing beats portuguese sweets. 🙂

  9. wow! i love it!

    xoxo from rome

  10. Anupriya DG says:

    Wow…it looks beautiful…

  11. Michaela says:

    I can see you decided to travel around the whole Europe. It's amazing! 🙂 Are you going to visit Prague, too? 😉

  12. LyddieGal says:

    It looks like a beautiful and magical city – i love your cool macro shots!
    Chic on the Cheap

  13. Elisabeth says:

    Wow these photos are so beautiful! I didn't know the city was so stunning, thank you for sharing these photos with us readers!
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! I'm glad that you share my love for Audrey!

    E from Helsinki

  14. Je ne suis jamais allée à Lisbonne, mais tes photos pleines de couleurs sont géniales. Elles me donnent le goût de voyager.
    Je suis ravie d'avoir découvert ton blogue 🙂

  15. Tyne Swedish says:

    Oh…MY…GOODNESS how lovely are your photos! Lisbon never crosses my mind when I think of places to tour…Oddly enough my mind always goes to eastern Europe! Also when I hear Lisbon I think of Casablanca! Have fun honey…even if it is hard to eat.


  16. I live in Lisbon 🙂
    Such great pictures :*
    kisses :*

  17. Joyce says:

    Such beautiful photos. The beauty of living in Europe is the accessibility to other European countries.

  18. Patti says:

    Wow, lovely photos.
    I love your blog!:)
    Would you like to follow each other?:)

  19. Elle Sees says:

    swooning over the pics…like really.

  20. Haylie says:

    How fun! I seriously love reading/ seeing all of your posts because your photographs are so artistically taken and always stunning! And of course you're an awesome writer 🙂

    – Haylie

  21. HiFashion says:

    Lisbon looks so beautiful!! I love the bright buildings.

  22. miss b says:

    I love the way you have captured Lisbon with your lovely photos – this brought back memories of my visit a few years ago (I do remember eating a lot of meat and seafood)

  23. Sheila says:

    Gorgeous photos! I would love to visit Lisbon one day. 🙂

    If you have time, please come by and check out my blog! And maybe follow??

    xo – Sheila

  24. Lisbon is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing!

    >>>>> <<<<<<

  25. Petra Z. says:

    I've never been to Lisbon, but it looks like it's got a lot to offer! Thanks for sharing your travel insights!

  26. PrettyGloss says:

    The beautiful color of flowers in 1;
    the sky in 3 – great shot;
    the train station arches in 4;
    sunlight, rooftops & the panoramic view in 8;
    warmth of burning candles at a church in 10;
    fountain outside a dreamlike white church in 13..

    Lisbon is some place to be & I'm a meat-lover… 🙂

    Thanks for sharing,


  27. amazing pictures 🙂
    love your blog 🙂
    following u now via GFC, hope yo do the same..kisses

  28. Wow, amazing blog. 🙂

    Keep rocking! 🙂


  29. Melissa says:

    Beautiful photos! I have family from Portugal.

    <3 Melissa

  30. christy says:

    nice blog ^^ loves it))

    follow me and i will follow you)

    xoxo Christy

  31. Hello Dear! I like your blog so much! This is my first visit here but definitely not the last 🙂 Would you like to follow each other? 🙂


  32. Elisabeth says:

    I've got something for you on my blog! 🙂

    E from Helsinki

  33. gorgeous photos! i'd love to visit lisbon.

  34. Hannah says:

    gorgeous photos! I'd love to visit Lisbon!


  35. So jealous! I've always wanted to visit Portugal and these pictures are making me want to go exploring even more!

    Kate xo

  36. amazing pics!!

    i believe they were 50% off in sale:D


  37. Hello !! I am your newest follower /

    Appreciate if U can FOLLOW me back Please ?:)

    Very pretty and classy, love the look 🙂
    I follow you now ! Wanna be your friend!
    Follow me back on facebook ,instagram, twitter,and GFC and add me as a friend in GFC
    love you dear 🙂
    MarcBelle Chanelene

  38. oh, i've always wanted to go there Cee, the pretty painted houses are so sweet and your photos really capture it's essence beautifully!! incredible experience, i know you felt you missed out on many things but the ones you did see and explore look like they're filled with inspirational surges of delight! xo ♥

  39. simply adore the architecture, manicured lawns, fountains and statues. so pretty!

  40. Caro * says:

    Magnifiques photographies 🙂

  41. Cee says:

    Hi Michaela,

    I would love to visit Prague… it's been at the top of my must see places for ages! Hoping to find an inexpensive flight soon, but we'll see 🙂


  42. Cee says:

    Thank-you so much for all of your lovely comments, mes cheries!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

