A Walk in Sintra

November 16, 2012
I had a true adventure in Sintra during my trip to Portugal. The National Palace of Pena, one of the most famous castles in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage site, is at the top of a hill in this small city about an hour outside the capital. I had seen photos, but I wanted to experience its blue walls and yellow columns first-hand. It wasn’t due to a lack of research – I checked all of my tourist books when I got back – but I had no idea of just how high on the hill the palace sits! When we got to Sintra, I saw the Moorish Castle, high up in the clouds, and I said to myself, “There is no way I’m climbing that far just to see a castle…!” If only I had known! Nowhere was there a sign that showed the distance to the Palace of Pena, so we started to climb… and we kept climbing for almost two hours! The Palace sat even higher on the hill than the Moorish Castle, and we climbed six kilometres to get there! We enjoyed the beautiful flowers and the magnificent exterior of the palace but, in a huge disappointment, photography wasn’t allowed inside. That means I can only tell you that the inside was even lovelier than the outside, and that it was worth the climb… but we definitely took the bus back down!

Je me suis bel et bien aventurer à Sintra lors de mon voyage en Portugal. Le Palais Nationale de Pena, un des châteaux les plus célèbres au monde, se trouve au sommet d’une colline dans cette petite ville environ une heure hors de la capitale, et j’avais envie de voir de mes propres yeux ses murs bleus et ses colonnes jaunes. Ce n’était pas par manque de recherche, car j’ai vérifié toutes les guides touristiques lors de notre retour, mais je n’avais aucune idée de l’immense hauteur de la colline ou se trouve le palais. Arrivée a Sintra, j’ai vu le château mauresque, tout haut, et je me suis dit, « Je ne monterai pas jusqu’à la pour voir un simple château… ! » Comme j’ai eu tort ! Nulle part y avait-il un panneau qui indiquait la distance jusqu’au Palais de Pena, donc nous avons commencé à monter… et nous avons continué à monter pendent presque deux heures. Le Palais de Pena est même plus haut que le château mauresque, et nous avons grimpé six kilomètres pour nous rendre ! Nous avons profité de la jolie flore et de l’extérieur magnifique du château, mais, déception absolue, nous étions interdits de photographier à l’intérieur. Je ne peux donc que vous assurer que l’intérieur est même plus beau que l’extérieur, et qu’il a valu le coup d’y monter… pourtant, nous avons descendu en autobus !
29 comments so far.

29 responses to “A Walk in Sintra”

  1. Old Cow says:

    I really want to visit Sintra. We were in Lisbon this time last year but didnt make it. I MUST GO BACK!! Lovely post x

  2. Maria Ana says:

    Hello Cee! You were here! You should have told me and I would have shown you around! I hope you enjoyed it 🙂
    Maria Ana

  3. PrettyGloss says:

    Oh Cee this has to be one of the best posts! The palace looks magical. Almost reminded me of 2 fair-tales: Cinderella & The Princess & The Pea – where this princess in rages knocks at the door (1 & 8).

    These pictures are beautiful & I totally get your frustration when you see stunning interior & are not able to capture it in your camera. Maybe your could give more details on the interior. :)I need to get a Portuguese visa!


  4. Lilli says:

    What a fantastic place dear!

  5. Amazing place and amazing pics. 🙂


  6. Adrienne says:

    That's quite a walk to see the castle! It looks like it was worth it though 🙂

    What Lola Wants

  7. Rebecca Jane says:

    Such stunning photos! What a lovely place! I didn't get to visit Portugal when I lived in Europe but it is on my list of places to visit!

  8. Tes photos sont magnifiques. Elles me donnent le goût de voyager 🙂

  9. lovely photos 😉
    I like your blog,would You like to follow each other ? just let me know dear 🙂
    XO MP.

  10. Cara says:

    You are seeing so much it is amazing!
    Beautiful photos
    xo Cara

  11. HiFashion says:

    I am so jealous of all the travelling you've been doing! I love looking at the pictures of all the different cities and their landmarks.

  12. The no photography rule disappoints me too, but the photos you took of the exterior are just beautiful. I love how you've edited them too.

  13. it is gorgeous! i can't get over the details in the architecture. exquisite!

  14. Oh wow, indeed, what a trek. Clearly, it was worth it though, haha, love that you took the bus back down – smart thinking! 😉 The castle is absolutely stunning, a true marvel! I'm sure I would have stood there and starred at it for a good long while… I adore seeing this kind of history and it's so amazing that Europe is filled with it. Gorgeous photos too by the way!! xo V

  15. amazing photos! really breathtaking

  16. danica says:

    wow. that's definitely a walk. looks beautiful though. 🙂

  17. I love your blog !<3
    would You like to follow each other ? just let me know dear 🙂

  18. that place looks like a magic-land filled with breath taking vistas and blow our mind architecture. oh Cee, well worth the climb is right and i can see why! my gosh, it's straight out of a period time piece and so well maintained too. wonderful shares from all your amazing treks across Europe, i guess after that day you settled in for a nice leg rub courtesy of your handsome one 😉 at least i hope so! xo ♥

  19. These pictures look beautiful! I can't wait to see places like these in person.

    xo Andrea

  20. Ramona says:

    It looks like a fairy tale, so breath taking.You are traveling a lot and it's so worth it.

    xoxo Ra

  21. these photos are so stunning and surreal. it must be amazing seeing all the details up close in person!


  22. Another absolutely stunning post!

    Kate xo petite-adventures.blogspot.ca

  23. Valentine says:

    Les photos sont magnifiques
    Bises ma belle

  24. Elly says:

    What stunning architecture! Everything looks beautiful!


  25. Cee, I visited Sintra few years ago and it is a magic place! I'm glad you got to see it, even if it took you a while to get there…I have to say that I'm a big fan of Portugal: it is a place full of history and so romantic!

  26. Cee says:

    Oh Sarah, I would love to tell you more about the interior, but I know there is no way I could do it justice – I was tired from climbing the mountain, cold because I didn't wear the right outfit, and upset that I couldn't take any photos. I just don't have enough details committed to memory 🙁

  27. Cee says:

    Thank-you for all of your lovely comments, and compliments on my photography skills, my darlings!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

