Disneyland Paris

May 7, 2013


I visited Disneyland Paris for the first time last week and the experience was just as magical as I had hoped. I am a grown woman with no children and although my love of roller coasters is part of what takes me to the park, I also watch movies like Pocahontas and Sleeping Beauty more often than many five-year-olds. It’s difficult to put into words exactly what it is about Disney that I find so enchanting – in a way, the parks are like a storybook come to life, but they are also more than that. Walt Disney somehow managed to at once to preserve the America that never really was, with its rugged Wild West and white-washed small town Main Streets; to create a medieval world of wonder that we can only imagine might have once existed, with a pink pearl castle and whimsical wooden shops; to capture the romanticised idea of the Middle East that existed for his generation and to share his vision of a future that has not come to be. Disneyland is a world that never was, but that might have been; a world that, outside the gates, lives only in people’s hearts and imaginations – but it’s real. And if that isn’t magic, then magic must not exist.

J’ai rendu visite à Disneyland Paris pour la première fois la semaine passée et j’y aie passé une journée envoûtante. Je suis adulte, sans enfant et j’adore les montagnes russes, surtout Big Thunder Mountain. Mais j’avoue que je regarde des films tels Pocahontas et La Belle aux bois dormant plus souvent qu’un enfant de cinq ans. C’est difficile de trouver les mots pour expliquer ce qui m’attire tellement à Disney – les parcs sont des gros livres de contes vivants, mais ce n’est pas tout. Walt Disney a réussi à conserver un Amérique qui n’a jamais vraiment existé, avec son Wild West rude et ses rues Principales bourgade tout chaulé; à créer un monde médiéval de rêves, avec un château en rose nacré et des petits magasins en bois; à saisir la conception romantique du Moyen Orient de sa propre génération et à partager sa vision d’un futur qui n’a jamais pris forme. Disneyland, c’est un monde qui n’a jamais existé, mais qui aurait pu; un monde qui, en dehors de ses portes, n’habite que les esprits et les imaginations des rêveurs – mais c’est réel. Et si ça ce n’est pas de la magie, donc je crois que la magie n’existe pas.
54 comments so far.

54 responses to “Disneyland Paris”

  1. Jenn Musse says:

    Amazing post!! I like your blog! kisses from http://jennmusse.blogspot.com.es

  2. Kim Alston says:

    Cee, these are the cutest photos!!! You look adorable and how I love that tea cup pic. So charming! One of my blog buddies went with her family and I must say the Paris park is the most charming out of all of them. So glad you had a great time! Minnie is definitely the topic for today! HaHa 😉

  3. j'ai trop envie d¡y aller! j'y ai bossé ..ca me manque!


  4. Mounette says:

    Moi aussi j'adore y aller..avec les enfants 😉 j'ai un pass annuel, ca aide 😉
    Bisous ma belle

  5. Marie-Eve says:

    Disney has the way to take us back to childhood ! Looks like an amazing time !

  6. Natalia A says:

    I've never been to Disneyland – wanted to go when I was a kid, but then the thought evaporated. I think a huge part of it is because, as a Russian kid, I've never really watched those cartoons/movies – they weren't available in my country until early 1990s.
    Can't even express in words how much I adore those Minnie Mouse ears and bow on you – so so so soooooooooooo adorable, it's just to die for!

  7. Annie says:

    Disneyland is one of my favorite places..and Disneyland in Paris sounds like heaven 🙂 You look so cute with those Minnie ears!

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. Okay, first off, you look beyond adorable in the mouse ears. Secondly, I was totally unaware that the Euro Disneyland had a Sleeping Beauty's castle! That was always my favourite part of American Disneyland – did you know that there's a hotel suite inside it? I watched some video tour of it last week and was so captivated.

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  9. Beautiful pictures! I'm extremely jealous of this excursion haha Sleeping Beauty has always been my favourite, but I watched The Aristocats most recently!

  10. j'adore j'adore j'adore
    j'ai réservé mes places aussi pour y aller 🙂


    Coline ♡

  11. ahhhh!!! awesome pics! looks like a blast! I hope to go someday!!! 😀


  12. LyddieGal says:

    I haven't been to disney in forever… glad to hear it is just as magical even when you are an adult.

  13. Cara says:

    such fun photos! Disneyland is the best 🙂
    xo cara

  14. Lilli says:

    Hi Cee! Ah my fav place in the world!!! I love Disneyland, have visited it 2 times in all my life and I'm looking forward to be back there! Is truly magical as you said, thanks for sharing the photos, I've enjoyed them! You look too nice with the Minnie ears and what a smile on the cups attraction!:D Have a nice day, kisses! xo

  15. You look so cute with your Minnie Mouse ears. I have never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld here in the states, but my sister recently went and said it was one of the most amazing places she'd ever been. I'll definitely have to give it a try one of these times while I'm traveling.

  16. Amazing! I visited Disney World in Florida, but I've always wanted to go to visit it in Paris. You put it so eloquently — the magic of the place is that it exists here and nowhere else. From the smile on your face, it looks like you had a wonderful time! Anytime Beauty and the Beast or Mulan is on tv, I have to watch it!

  17. such sweet pics dear! love your pic with Minnie's ears!

    ♥ Margherita ♥

    Frivolezze Provinciali


  18. sweet photos :)!!

    New post on my blog —> urbanfashionstylee.blogspot.com

  19. Joyce Jebose says:

    Awww I'm still a kid at heart and make a point to visit Disney everytime i'm in California or Florida. I'm glad you had an amazing time. I'm personally scared of the big rollercoasters, but I do enjoy the overall experience.

  20. wow I wanna go!!:)great pictures and you look so cute like Minnie:)
    kisses from Milan

  21. Elle Sees says:

    It's on my wish list!!!

  22. Valentina says:

    I adore Disneyland! I went there when I was 10 and I'd love to go there again!

  23. Anupriya DG says:

    Aaah! Magical indeed!!! Disney is what brings out our inner 5-year old even when we are 85!! ^_^

  24. Kati says:

    Thanks for your sweet words on my last post, they brightened my day!
    I would love to go to Disneyland once so badly!

    Hope you have a fantastic day,

  25. HiFashion says:

    I am SO jealous. I've always wanted to visit disneyland so much. It looks like the most fun ever.

  26. J'adore disneyland Paris c'est vraiment féerique, ton post me rappelle comme ça me manque il faudra que j'aille y faire un tour aussi 🙂

  27. xoxo Kellz* says:

    this is beautiful love the pix

    My blog here http://www.islandchic77.com

  28. Loulou says:

    How cute do you look in your Mini Mouse ears! It looks like it was a really fun experience. The world would be a less colourful place if Walt Disney had never been born, that's for sure.

  29. Marzipan says:

    You are so cute and I really love these pics <3

  30. Fancy Melody says:

    Ce post est superbe, j'adore tes photos!
    Des bisous,

  31. Ramona says:

    Cee you look so super cute with those adorable Minnie ears! I think this post by far is one of my favorite of you. I'm such a kid 🙂

    xoxo Ra


  32. aww these are such cute photos, Cee!Looks like you had a fab time! It's been ages since I've been to Disneyland Paris!

    Hannah xx

  33. Lauren says:

    You are seriously adorable (and I'm pretty sure I say that in every post so please don't be creeped out LOL). Looks like such a whimsical place .. glad you had fun Cee! xo

  34. How fun! It's been ages since I have been to Disneyland! You look so cute with the mouse ears! Gorgeous photos as well! xx/Madison

  35. Amandine says:

    Je ne suis pas très Disney mais ces photos sont très jolies et le nœud de Minnie te va super bien 😉

  36. Manonnn says:

    Bien la visite de Disney!!!
    Et j'adore les oreilles de minnie!!!


  37. I love the photos. I hope I can add Disneyland Paris to my list of visited places someday. I've already been to Disneyland Los Angeles and Disneyland Hong Kong and it would definitely be great if I could visit all the Disneyland theme parks around the world. Disneyland is something I will never fall out of love for.

  38. Sinem says:

    Those Minnie Mouse ears and bow are fantastic, ONE OF YOUR BEST POSTS!

  39. Edyta says:

    Amaaazing pictures – pretty pretty girls!


  40. Sasha says:

    Ohhh, so jaleous! 🙂 Never ever take those Minnie ears off – you look so adorable in them! 🙂
    P.S. I love watching cartoons too, you're not alone! 😉

  41. It looks wonderful! I've been to Disneyland in Florida, but not Paris, but I hear it is just magical. Given that it is only about 1 hour away on the plane, I really should make an effort to go there. Your headband is so cute!


  42. Tout simplement magique ^^
    Disney c'est un grand pays imaginaire dans lequel on retombe toujours en enfance

    New post – Kisses

  43. Caro * says:

    Tes photos me font rêver, je suis une vraie Mickey Addict, je vais à Disney environ 3 fois par an tellement j'adore cet endroit emprunt de magie.
    Je suis pire que les gosses quand je suis dans les parcs, je vais bientôt y retourner d'ailleurs ! (Une vraie rêveuse en fait !)
    Tu as du passer un excellent moment, bisous 🙂

  44. J'ai toujours trouvé Disneyland Paris féerique. C'est cool quand on y va avec des enfants. Mais quand on est adepte de sensations fortes c'est pas terrible. Et je trouve l'entrée très chère.
    Je préfère de loin Europapark 😉


  45. OMG Disneyland Paris looks awesome!! You are literally the SWEETEST person ever and your comment made my day! Thanks so much for stopping by and I'm glad that you had fun, girl! 🙂

    Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday!

    My Blog, Crystal Chizoba
    My YouTube Channel

  46. I have always wondered what Disneyland Paris is like. You're right, there is something so magical about being there. I have been to Disneyworld in Orlando a couple of times and each time, not only did I feel like a kid, but every worry and stressful thought is left at the gate. Walt Disney did an amazing job at creating make believe and if it wasn't for the $10 bottle waters, I wouldn't mind hanging out there…forever.

  47. It looks absolutely magical! I've never visited it myself but just like you, my love for animated cartoons and movies does not seem to get any less as I am growing older.


  48. Latisha says:

    I lovelovelove the picture of you with the ears on on the teacups, gorgeous 🙂 x

  49. awe Cee, you are all kinds of adorable here!! i didn't realize there was a Disneyland in Paris, but voila…there she be! i have the fondest memories of previous visits to the one in Cali – both as a child and a “kidadult”. bravo for soaking in the magic and all the goodness that place has going on. awesome photo recaps lovely!! xo ♥

  50. Cee says:

    Courtney! I had no idea there was a hotel suite inside the castle – but now that you've told me, I need to stay in it!


  51. Cee says:

    Thank-you so much for all your sweet and thoughtful comments, my darlings!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

