Stride By

July 5, 2016


Aritzia tee (similar)
Zara jeans (similar)
Steve Madden sandals
Mezzi bag (c/o)
Celine sunglasses
Madewell rings

When I was about eight, I was playing at friend’s house one afternoon and, whatever we were getting up to, it was annoying her mom – I remember distinctly the moment when she told us, jokingly, of course, to go play in traffic, because I thought that was just about the funniest thing I had ever heard. Fast forward, well, more years than I would care to admit, and I find myself quite literally playing in traffic for the sake of the perfect blog photo. It’s funny, in some ways – I’m almost positive I was laughing as I darted across the street in downtown Seattle to capture these photos on our weekend trip there in May. (Yes, we went to Seattle in May, and I a little embarrassed its taken me this long to get around to posting photos, but better late than never.) But it was definitely nervous laughter, and by the time we were taking the last shots, I was practically running as cars hard started speeding directly towards me again. Mostly, it’s funny because I remember when I first started blogging, when I was too nervous to pose for photos outdoors – my first outfit photos were taken in the kitchen in our old apartment; we slowly transitioned to taking photos on the patio before I eventually came to terms with posing on the sidewalk – and now, I apparently have no fear at all, since I’m willing to dodge oncoming cars for the sake of a good shot. The fact is, despite the danger that I was very aware of even in the moment, I love these photos; the light, the location, the perfectly pale pink peonies and, most of all, the outfit, which is, in essence, my daily uniform. (When I’m not working from home, that is – when I work from home, my daily uniform is yoga pants. I am not as ashamed to admit this as I probably should be.) I know many of you are bloggers too, so tell me, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to get the perfect photo?

Je me rappelle une après-midi, lorsque j’avais environ huit ans, je jouais chez une amie. Je ne sais pas ce que nous faisions, mais nous embêtions sa maman – je me souviens car elle nous a dit, « Allez, ce sera mieux que vous jouez dans la rue. » Elle plaisantait, bien sûr, et je ne sais pas pourquoi mais j’ai ri pendant des heures. Projetons-nous dans le présent et j’ai enfin joué dans la rue pour la première fois, afin de saisir la photo parfaite. (Voilà la raison pour laquelle je fais beaucoup de trucs débiles.) C’est marrant, malgré le danger – je sais que je riais pendant que je me précipitais à travers la rue à Seattle pendant que nous prenions ces photos lors de notre dernier séjour à Washington au mois de mai. (Oui, ça fait deux mois depuis notre séjour, et ça me gêne un peu de vous présenter ces photos après si longtemps, mais mieux vaut tard que jamais.) Et cependant, c’était certainement un rire nerveux, car les voitures roulaient vers moi avant que j’ai fini ma traversée ! Principalement, c’est marrant car je me souviens mes premiers mois de blogging – je n’osais pas poser pour des photos dehors, donc nous avons fait nos premiers shootings dans notre cuisine, avant de se hasarder sur notre patio. Enfin, j’ai accepté qu’il fallait que je sors de chez moi pour faire des belles photos et, aujourd’hui, rien ne m’épouvante, rien ne m’empêche de faire les photos que j’envisage, même des voitures qui roulent à toute vitesse ! J’adore ces photos, et je crois que le risque que j’ai couru a valu le coup ; la lumière, le cadre, les pivoines rose pâle et ma tenue, qui s’agit d’une sorte d’uniforme pour moi (à moins que je travaille à domicile ; dans ce cas-là, mon uniforme comprend toujours un pantalon de yoga), sont exactement ce que j’aurais voulu. Je sais qu’il y a pas mal de blogueuses parmi vous, donc racontez-moi le plus grand effort que vous avez déployé afin de prendre des photos !

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Stride By”

  1. Firstly, a big congrats on the completion & launch of your new site, Cee!! The space is so lovely, and a big yay, to glitch free blogging. Can’t wait to hear about your WordPress experience! You know me, I get pretty geeky over these things! 😉 As for the craziest thing I’ve done? Probably my solo tripod adventures feel the most brazen, oh and standing on train tracks also feels particularly nerve wracking. Yikes! xo

  2. Your photos just get much and more gorgeous over time. I’m not a fashion blogger so my shoots are a little different, but I’ve stood on more than my fair share of tables to get the perfect table decor shots, and I’ve made some pretty hilarious (and hideous) facial expressions behind the lens to get my kids to react for blog photos. 🙂

  3. Lyddiegal says:

    Yes, the taking of blog photos in public is always kind of a tricky thing, while I’ve never been brave enough to dodge cars on a city street, I have put myself in a few precarious situations over the years – that is of course, after I was finally brave enough to leave my back yard!

    I do love your classic uniform, the grey jeans are absolute perfection.
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. Cee, those are the best shots! HaHaHa I admire fashion bloggers, because what you ladies do to get those shots should be commended. These are great! I love your new site Cee! It’s so pretty. Bloglovin kept giving me an error, so I typed in your site manually. Hopefully it will correct itself.

    • Hi Kim,

      Thanks for your comment! Bloglovin should be sorted out shortly, I hope! In the meantime, I’m so glad you stopped by – it’s always such a pleasure reading your comments 🙂


  5. Lorena says:

    Great shots – I cannot but laugh at your friend’s mom comment.
    I need to find me a pair of grey jeans fast – and the most daring thing I have done for a picture as of today is to set my camera on timer on one side of the street, ran to the other and then walked towards the camera. I did this in MEXICO city which is not the safest place on earth so it was quite daring…

  6. Courtney says:

    I admire your daring! I still get nervous about doing photos in public places so I mostly stick close to home (which basically means my neighbours see me out posing all the time and likely suspect I’m a bit batty!).

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  7. Courtney says:

    I admire your daring. I still get nervous taking photos in public so I mostly stick close to home (which basically means my neighbours always see me out posing and likely think I’m a bit batty!).

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

