Keep it Under your Hat

August 5, 2016

coco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-street-style-nbd-crop-top-mavi-jeans-kate-and-mel-sandals-lack-of-color-hat-popbasic-clutch-cc-lifestyles-watchcoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-style-blog-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-lack-of-color-hat-cc-lifestyles-meraki-watch-the-peachbox-rose-gold-bracelet-cee-fardoe-brunettecoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-portrait-cee-fardoe-brunette-lack-of-colour-hat-nbd-crop-topcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-style-blog-top-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-lack-of-color-hat-mavi-skinny-jeans-lace-up-sandals-cc-lifestyles-meraki-watch-nbd-crop-topcoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-fashion-blog-best-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-street-style-mavi-jeans-nbd-crop-top-lack-of-color-hat-popbasic-clutch-kate-and-mel-sandals-cclifestyles-watchNBD top (c/o REVOLVE)
Mavi jeans (similar)
Kate and Mel sandals (c/o)
Popbasic clutch (similar)
Lack of Color hat
CC Lifestyles watch (c/o)
The Peachbox bracelet (c/o)
Etsy ring
C for Charlotte the Label earrings  (c/o)

I remember the first hat I bought so distinctly. It was the fall of 2010, and my baby blog was just creeping its way towards fifty followers on GoogleFriendConnect. I was pretty much over the moon, and feeling so inspired to experiment with all kinds of fashion things I had never tried before. But I really never thought about hats – I am petite and so, by extension, is my head. Every hat I had ever tried up to that point fell down over my eyes, making me even more blind than I already was, so I was pretty sure that they just weren’t my thing. But while browsing the accessories section at H&M, then my favourite place to shop, one afternoon, I stumbled upon a round topped black felt hat and, much to my shock, discovered that it came in different sizes. It was a fashion revelation for me – suddenly, a whole new world of accessories opened up. That hat came home with me the same day and many have followed since, from fedoras and Panamas to wide brims and boaters. Not every hat looks great on me, which is no surprise – some, in fact, look decidedly silly, despite suiting other people perfectly. I find floppy, 70s style hats especially hard to wear well. But I always visit the hat section wherever I’m shopping, because a good hat is the perfect finishing touch to any outfit as far as I’m concerned; a kind of sartorial cherry on top, if you will. I still get most of my hats from H&M, because the offer a range of sizes. (I fall in love with hats from Club Monaco every season, but find they’re often much too big.) But when Nordstrom came to Vancouver, they brought an impressive array of hats with them, and I’ve been lusting after pretty much everything from Lack of Color ever since. With that said, funnily enough, most of Lack of Color’s hats are a bit colourful for my taste, so I have waited patiently for a good neutral topper to come along – and I finally found it, in the middle of summer, of course! This isn’t really the season for a wool hat, but I couldn’t help myself. Besides, it’s early August now, which means my mind is veering towards fall fashion – I’m sure I’m not the only one – and adding a hat is a great way to start slowly, very slowly, transitioning my wardrobe for my favourite season.

Je me rappel tellement bien le premier chapeau que je me suis offerte. C’était l’automne de 2010, et mon petit blog grandissait peu à peu. J’avais presque cinquante lectrices qui me suivaient avec GoogleFriendConnect et j’étais ravie. Le fait que des vraies personnes s’intéressaient à ce que je portais me donnait plein3 d’inspiration et j’avais envie de toute essayer en mode. Mais je ne pensais vraiment pas aux chapeaux – je suis petite et j’ai donc une tête petite. Chaque chapeau que j’avais essayé avant m’était bien trop grand et, par conséquent, j’étais convaincu que les chapeaux n’étaient pas mon truc. Et cependant, un après-midi, en me flânant dans le rayon accessoires chez H&M, je suis tombée sur un chapeau noir que j’adorais – et j’ai découvert qu’H&M offrait des différentes tailles de chapeau ! Pour moi, c’était un genre de révélation en mode. Je me suis offerte ce chapeau le jour même et je me suis offerte plusieurs depuis – fedora, panama, canotier, capeline et béret ! Tous les chapeaux ne me conviennent pas – certaines me donnent un air décidément ridicule. J’ai du mal à bien porter des gros chapeaux style 70s. Peu importe, je m’en lasse pas et je rends toujours visite au rayon chapeaux pendant que je fais du shopping, car je trouve qu’un bon chapeau sert d’une cerise sur le gâteau d’une bonne tenue. J’achète encore la bonne partie de mes chapeaux chez H&M, car la gamme de tailles est très bonne. (J’adore les chapeaux chez Club Monaco mais c’est rare qu’ils soient assez petits pour moi.) Lors de l’arrivée de Nordstrom à Vancouver, la sélection de chapeaux dans leur rayon accessoires m’a beaucoup impressionné, et depuis, je convoite quasiment toute la collection Lack of Color. Ceci dit, c’est marrant mais la collection Lack of Color est plutôt colorée, donc il a fallu que j’attends l’arrivée d’un chapeau couleur neutre de la marque. J’en suis enfin tombée dessus il y a quelques semaines, au plein milieu de l’été ! Ce n’est pas vraiment la saison pour un chapeau en laine, mais je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher. Et en plus, nous sommes maintenant en août, donc je commence à réfléchir sur mes tenues d’automne – je ne peux pas être la seule. Le fait de mettre un chapeau en laine avec une tenue d’été, ça ajout un peu d’automne à mes looks pendant que j’attends ma saison préférée.

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Keep it Under your Hat”

  1. Courtney says:

    I swear I cannot pull off a hat to save my life – and I always get a twitch of envy when I see others seeming to do it so effortlessly. Which you clear can. Sigh.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. That hat looks amazing on you Cee! You wear hats well girl! I love the color, style & brim. Gorgeous! I would love to see you in a cloche hat or beret. You would rock both!

  3. Lorena says:

    You wear that hat beautifully… in my case whenever I do wear one, people think I am a tourist…
    I’ve always thought that if I lived in a country with 4 seasons fall would probably be my favourite one too.

  4. Oooh, your beautiful hat, excited for it’s debut. I couldn’t keep eye’s off of it, last time I was over, and while I’m certainly not ready to let go of summer… I’m SO excited for fall fashion. It’s such an amazing time of year, and I’m working myself up into a complete tizzy just thinking about it. Haha! In any case, looking absolutely gorgeous Cee, love the outfit, and I agree, a fabulous hat is ALWAYS the perfect topper!! xo

  5. Lyddiegal says:

    I used to think hats were not my thing either, and then one day, with one hat, everything just clicked. Now I too want all the hats, and can’t imagine there was a time when I proclaimed not to be hat person. This grey fedora is perfection on you, and is making me rethink the one I purchased last spring, favoring this one instead…

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

