The Fairy Tale of New York

September 30, 2016

coco-and-vera-top-vancouver-style-blog-top-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-revolve-me-lovers-and-friends-dress-town-shoes-suede-pumps-apc-handbag-celine-audrey-sunglasses-nyfwcoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-style-blog-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-cee-fardoe-brunette-celine-audrey-sunglasses-revolve-me-lovers-and-friends-dress-apc-bagcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-revolve-me-lovers-and-friends-la-dress-ap-halfmoon-bag-nyfw-copycoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-style-blog-top-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-street-style-revolve-clothing-dress-town-shoes-pumps-apc-bag-celine-sunglasses-style-calling-copycoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-style-town-shoes-grey-suede-pumps-town-shoes-navy-suede-pumps-fifth-avenue-new-yorkcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-nyfw-style-lovers-and-friends-dress-town-shoes-heels-apc-half-moon-bag-celine-sunglasses-revolve-meLovers + Friends dress (c/o REVOLVE)
Town Shoes heels (c/o)
APC bag
Celine sunglasses
Leah Alexandra necklace
Leah Alexandra ring

I had such a clear vision of what my future life would look like, when I was growing up – I think we all do, to a degree. And that idea is a combination of so many things, from the (sometimes not very) subtle influence of our parents to the kind of community we live in and the books we read. When I was fifteen, I imagined my adult self as a single woman living in Paris, working as a simultaneous interpreter and wearing a lot of fabulous hats. Basically, I wanted to be Carmen Sandiego when I grew up. (Admittedly, I still harbour a not-to-secret desire to one day pair a red trench coat with a red fedora and possibly steal the Eiffel Tower.) The collection of hats aside, the life I have turned out to lead could not be more different than what I envisioned as a naive teenager – I’m married, just for a start! But the fact is, I don’t think I could have imagined the way my life has turned out, because my horizons have expanded so far beyond what I thought was possible when I still occupied a pink-carpeted bedroom on the second floor of my parents’ house. Travelling to New York to attend Fashion Week would have seemed completely unfathomable to the girl who got most of her clothes from the sale rack at the Gap and coveted Silver brand jeans. These photos are from our last day at NYFW, but I’m sharing them now because, quite frankly, I just couldn’t wait – they are my favourites. Given that it was the last day of Fashion Week, we pulled out all the stops when it came to getting dressed – no outfit would have felt too extravagant. My love of all things from REVOLVE is hardly a secret, but this dress is particularly special because it was one of the very few things I wore to Fashion Week that looked beautiful but that I still felt comfortable in despite the intense heat! When paired with my favourite pumps from Town Shoes – because seriously, it is way too hard to find grey suede pumps, so when you find a pair and it turns out that they’re actually comfortable, it’s almost like finding a unicorn – it was even better; the soft colour palette felt almost spring-like and was undoubtedly influenced by all the pretty spring fashions we’d been seeing all week. The last day of NYFW wasn’t exactly a fairytale, even if these photos make it look a bit like one; we had a fabulous morning at the MoMa but got caught in traffic dashing across town to catch our last show, Georgine, and missed it completely. To add insult to injury, we had to head back uptown to meet a friend for drinks and got caught in an epic downpour. (But the good news is, my suede pumps survived!) New York is just one of those places – when things are good, it’s amazing, but when things go bad, they really go bad. But the city has a way of making you feel like you’ve arrived, like you belong, even if it’s the last place you expected to be, and it’s amazing.

J’avais une vision très claire de ma futur vie, en adolescente – je crois que nous en avons tous, jusqu’à un certain point. Et cette vision, nous le concevons à partir de beaucoup de différentes choses, y inclus l’influence (parfois non-)subtil de nos parents, de notre communauté et des livres que nous lisons. À mes quinze ans, j’imaginais qu’en adulte, je serai célibataire, habitant un appartement à Paris, travaillant comme interprète – j’envisageais aussi une belle collection de chapeaux.  En gros, je croyais que j’allais devenir Carmen Sandiego. (Il faut reconnaitre que je nourris toujours l’ambition de porter un trench-coat rouge avec un Borsalino rouge – et de voler la tour Eiffel.) À part ma collection de chapeaux, la réalité de ma vie diffère énormément de ce que j’imaginais dans ma naïveté adolescente – d’abord, je suis mariée… ! Mais la vérité, c’est que je crois que je n’aurais pas pu imaginer ma vie comme elle s’est révélé au fur et à mesure des années, tellement le monde que j’habite s’est élargi depuis mon adolescence, quand je passais la grande partie de mon temps dans ma chambre chez mes parents à lire Vogue. L’idée de voyager à New York afin d’assister à Fashion Week m’aurait paru insondable à cet époque, quand la majorité de mes vêtements venaient de la rayon solde chez Gap. Ces photos datent du dernier jour de NYFW, mais je vous le présente maintenant car je n’arrive pas à m’empêcher – elles sont mes photos préférées de notre séjour. Vu que c’était le dernier jour de la semaine de la mode, nous avons sorti le grand jeu au niveau tenues. Vous connaissez déjà mon amour pour tout ce que vient de chez REVOLVE, mais cette robe m’est surtout spéciale car elle figure parmi les très peu de fringues que j’ai mis pendant Fashion Week qui étaient non-seulement jolis mais confortables aussi, malgré la chaleur intense ! Quand je l’ai assorti à mes escarpins gris de chez Town Shoes – pour l’anecdote, parole franche et sincère, je trouve que quasiment impossible de trouver des escarpins gris, et ceux-ci sont des perles rares, car ils sont confortables et beaux à la fois – je l’aimais même mieux ; les couleurs me rappelaient le printemps, sans doute grâce à l’influence de toutes les collections printemps/été que nous avions vue pendant la semaine. Ceci dit, nous n’avons pas eu un jour de rêves, malgré nos efforts – et malgré l’histoire que ces photos racontent. Après une belle matinée chez MoMA, ayant pris la route pour la dernière défilée de la saison, Georgine, nous nous sommes trouvées dans un embouteillage extraordinaire et l’avons complètement raté. Pour couronner le tout, il a fallu que nous nous retournons afin de prendre un verre avec une amie. Le déluge – avec de la tonnerre et de la foudre – a commencé le moment que nous sommes sorties du taxi. (Et cependant, j’ai eu un peu de bonne chance et mes chaussures ont sorti de la pluie vivantes !) C’est un peu comme ça, New York – quand tout va bien, c’est un merveille, mais quand tout ne va pas bien, c’est la catastrophe. Et pourtant, la ville me donne toujours l’impression qu’il devrait en être ainsi, que je suis là où je devrais être, même si ce n’est pas là où j’attendais être, et je trouve ça sublime.

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “The Fairy Tale of New York”

  1. I loved the show Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego! HaHaHa Cee, I can totally see you doing that. Honestly, you should have your own show. I would love a travel show, about makeup of course! LOL That dress you’re wearing is absolutely gorgeous. So Grecian! Looks stunning on you!

  2. Lorena says:

    Oh wow – I love both dresses – the marble like print one is quite exceptional.. and both pairs of shoes I’d fall for.

  3. lyddiegal says:

    Your reserves of fabulous dresses seem endless to me, and each one you share, I think I love even more. Of course you both look truly gorgeous here, and even if it only seems like a fairy tale in these photos, somehow over time the stories of trying to rush across town to get caught in traffic and then in the rain and take on a certain fondness with the passing of time. Plus you’ve always got these photos.

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous, all of it! But I especially love those sunglasses, they add so much glamour to your already flawless outfit! And oh my gosh, I remember that downpour… it was on everyone’s snapchat, and looked absolutely hellish, but happy to know your shoes survived. Phew! And… yay, yay, I’m so excited I get to see you tomorrow!! xo

  5. Courtney says:

    These are such lovely photos – I really do just love them. Also, I think you would look insanely high fashion and chic dressed as Carmen Sandiego…. just saying.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  6. that purple outfit is literally perfect!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

