The Cut

July 30, 2018

Top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera poses with a new long bob cut by Fran RizzuttoTop Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera wears Mango braided mules and black Mavi jeans with hair styled by Fran Rizzutto of Frenchy Does my HairOutfit details on top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera, including a black Aritzia Koons blouse and Wolf Circus Matisse necklaceTop Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera sports a new long bob cut by Fran Rizzutto of Frenchy Does my HairOutfit details on top Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera, including a Wolf Circus Matisse necklace and a long bob cut by Fran RizzuttoHair by Fran Rizzutto

It was the July long weekend when I texted my hair stylist, Fran, in mock desperation: “All the cool girls on instagram have bobs, and I want one, too!” The fact is, I’ve been contemplating this dramatic cut since some time in 2016. My Vancouver stylish wouldn’t even broach the subject. She loved my long hair and hated so much as trimming it. Which was fine for her, since she saw me once every couple of months. I had to live with those mermaid locks day in and day out and let me tell you, they required work.

But no matter how much having super long hair drove me crazy… no matter how many bad hair days I had… I was wary of cutting it, too. Long hair can always be pulled back. Good hair days can be faked for the sake of photos. With short hair, you can’t fake it. And since I am notoriously lazy when it comes to haircare, I worried about how I would look on all the days when I don’t feel like styling my hair. Because that is how I feel most days.

On the July long weekend, I was feeling impulsive. Work was stressful and I needed the three-day break. But just staying home for three days didn’t feel like enough – I needed a real change. Somehow, it seemed clear that the change needed to come in the form of the haircut I’d been putting off for two years.

I panicked, the night before my appointment. I’ve always raised an eyebrow at people who get attached to their long hair, but there I was at three am, wide awake, wondering what the hell I was thinking. Cut it all off? I must be crazy. Things seemed clearer in the light of day, as they always do. I went to the salon to meet Fran. She washed my hair and we chatted; when she actually started to cut, I didn’t quite notice at first, until I spied the large chunks of discarded wet hair on the floor. By then, the chop was nearly half over. It happened so quickly, I couldn’t have changed my mind if I wanted to…

…but the fact is, when it was over, I didn’t want to. In fact, I wondered why on earth I’d waited so long. The thing about hair is that is grows, of course. And mine grows quickly. Almost every time I’ve chopped my hair up to this one, I’ve spent the next four weeks waiting for it to grow back. And then it has, and I’ve moved on. But this time, I wish it would go slower. Somehow, when I looked in the mirror after all I was said and done, I felt like the person looking back was who I was supposed to be all along. Nothing that momentous has ever happened to me in a hair salon before. But there’s a first time for everything. This is the first time in my life I’ve committed to short hair. But it’s time – and I love it.

3 comments so far.

3 responses to “The Cut”

  1. Felt exactly the same about my cut. Word for word! In fact, this was my identical uniform after I got my haircut too! However, now I’m kind of enjoying my slightly longer length as it grows out and I might let it get longer for a while, we’ll see. 😉 And SO happy you went for it with yours, it’s honestly so you and I feel this length is so fresh and instantly elevates all outfits! xo

  2. Courtney says:

    I think it looks really great! I always gravitate back to short hair (mostly because my hair is so fine and straight that it looks awful long…compounded by the reality that I am terrible at caring for it and styling it). I dream sometimes of having long, flowing locks that actually look beautiful but I know that will never be my reality and so the scissors invariably return. This cut really does look phenomenal on you.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. Lyddiegal says:

    I think your new cut looks amazing! And I totally get the anxiety over it. It’s like a huge life change, or at least it seems that way. I’m not sure if my hair would be at all manageable short, but who knows, maybe my curls would show up? It’s something I’ve often thought about, but I’m not sure I’ll ever commit to.
    Chic on the Cheap

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

