September Mood

September 7, 2018
A September 2018 moldboard in shades of white, grey and beige, compiled by top Winnipeg lifestyle blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & VeraAll images via Pinterest.

Current mood: I could conquer the world, but I’d rather go for pasta.

September is here. And while I could waste a few sentences on cliches about where the time has gone, the reality is, our perception of time changes relative to the amount of time we have experienced, so it perpetually feels like it’s moving faster, which means there isn’t much point. Summer flew by. Next year, it will feel even briefer. But fall is here, and I am ready for it.

This summer was all about running for me. Literal running, not running errands and feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list. (Although that did happen, too.) I shared a few snippets on instagram, but truthfully, I’m not that into hearing about other people’s fitness goals, so I tend to assume most people aren’t that interested in mine, either. What started out as a way of getting out of my apartment during the work day when the snow melted turned into a habit, and then a routine. I set goals and reached milestones. (And there is a big one still to come in the next couple of weeks – 500 total kilometres, which I’ve been chipping away at sporadically for two years.) I’ve been an on and off runner since 2010. When I run regularly, I love it. But now, I’m ready to slow down.

September feels like a new start to me more than January ever does. It is the time when all of my colleagues return to work after their holidays. My birthday comes later this month. And this year, we leave for Italy in just two shorts weeks. A reservation at Osteria Gucci awaits us there, as does the most fabulous hotel suite in Verona. September, for me, is filled with excitement, while January is just filled with snow. So this is my new year, and I want to start it on a beautiful note. Which means spending a bit less time in workout wear.

My fall clothing orders are beginning to trickle into my mailbox. (Yay, sweaters! If it could just be sweater weather from now until April, that would be ideal. Wishful thinking, I know… ) My book launch is this weekend. Work has slowed to a pace that can be described as manageable and, before I know it, it will be time to pack my bags for our Florentine adventure. Some months, I want to do it all – but this month, I just want to take it all in… while wearing fabulous clothes.

4 comments so far.

4 responses to “September Mood”

  1. September always feels like a time of new starts for me as well, definitely more than January does – and I bet you must be getting so excited for your trip. I would so love to be travelling somewhere this year, I very much miss it.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. margaux says:

    Joli mood board <3

  3. Lyddiegal says:

    A holiday to look forward to always makes a month better, and especially if that holiday is in Italy and you are celebrating your birthday. I hope you treat yourself to something extra special!
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. SO with you, bring on all the fall inspiration and fabulous clothes. We’ve planned day trips for almost all of our weekends, I’ve ordered SO many cozy outfits, and my “fall nerd” game is strong. Haha!! 😉 Plus Cee LOVE this re-cap and inspiration board – so much. What a wonderful way to welcome a new month and season. Plus, yay, can’t wait to chat tomorrow!! xo

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

