Shorts and a Sweater

August 26, 2019

Top Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera wears an H&M ribbed sweater and Zara mom fit denim shortsPortrait of top Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera, wearing RayBan Wayfarer sunglasses and carrying a Chanel classic handbagTop Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera wearing Club Monaco mules and Zara mom fit jeans in the Exchange DistrictOutfit details on top Canadian fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera, including Club Monaco mules and a Chanel jumbo handbagTop Winnipeg fashion blogger Cee Fardoe of Coco & Vera walks in the Exchange District wearing an H&M sweater and Club Monaco mulesH&M sweater (similar)
Zara shorts (similar)
Club Monaco mules
Chanel handbag
RayBan sunglasses
Keltie Leanne Designs ring (c/o) (similar)
Madewell rings
Maris Pearl Co. earrings (c/o)
Location: The Exchange District – Winnipeg, Manitoba

Continuing with a variation on the theme of Things I bought this summer and love even more than I expected… I am not ready to let go of my denim shorts just yet. Mother Nature and I have differing opinions on this subject. She held summer back this year, not really giving us warm weather until late June. And now, just as I was really starting to enjoy it, it’s gone. Just like that. Temperatures dropped from the mid-thirties to the mid-twenties seemingly over night. And then rain clouds rolled in. The forecast high for Tuesday is a measly fourteen degrees (!) and there are several days after when the temperature isn’t expected to climb above twenty.

Summer, your visit this year was brief, but I loved every minute of it. And I wore my denim shorts, the ones it felt like I waited a lifetime to finally find, as often as I could. Still, looking back, I realise this is only the second appearance they’ve made in photos this season. And once again, I styled them with a sweater. A warmer one this time. Somehow, it’s already dark in the mornings when I wake up, and the temperatures are cool enough to feel like fall.

I try not to dwell on the weather. Especially in my writing. Since I live in Canada, there are ample opportunities to complain about storms and cold, but it doesn’t make for particularly interesting subject matter. Still, here we are, in late August, and I am preoccupied by the not-so-slowly ebbing warmth and sun, longing for one last opportunity to take these shorts, paired with a silk tank top, out for drinks on a patio.

…but at this point, it looks like the opportunity won’t come until we’re in Greece next month. At least that trip will give me one last week of warmth and sunshine before the cold truly sets in for the last months of the year.

I know, at least on an intellectual level, that I shouldn’t complain. My tan lines serve as proof that I’ve had ample opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather these past several months. But the heart wants what the heart wants – and no matter how much it loves a cozy sweater, my heart wants to live somewhere warm and sunny, where it makes sense to dress in shorts all year round.

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2 comments so far.

2 responses to “Shorts and a Sweater”

  1. Courtney says:

    It’s so nice that you’ll get a last breath of summer in a place as magical as Greece…and, of course, another chance for shorts.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. Lydia says:

    I’m with you, whole heatedly, summer is always too short, and those perfect days unmarred by clouds and rain never seem to be long enough. Of course from a sartorial standpoint, you are perfect. I always roll my eyes at bloggers piling on layers when I know it’s still hot out in an effort to rush into fall fashion. At least you can legitimately wear the sweater, even if you wish you didn’t have to.
    Chic on the Cheap

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

