(Travel Diary) La Tour Eiffel

August 6, 2013

If I were asked to name my five favourite monuments in Paris, the Eiffel Tower would not make the list. In fact, it likely wouldn’t even qualify for a place in the top ten. But my opinion isn’t particularly important in this case; there is little point in discussing whether the metal tower is beautiful or warrants so much attention because it is the most recognised landmark in the world – people everywhere see this tall iron tower that straddles the seventh arrondissement and instantly think of the French capital. I know I do; I love the Eiffel Tower much more when I’m away from Paris than when I’m in it… seeing an Eiffel Tower mug or notepad reminds me that my favourite city isn’t as far away as I imagine.

Si on me demandait mes cinq monuments préférés de Paris, la Tour Eiffel ne figurera pas dans la liste. En effet, il n’est même pas parmi mes dix monuments préférés. Mon opinion n’est pourtant pas important dans ce cas-ci; que la tour soit belle ou qu’elle mérite vraiment autant d’attention, ça ne sert à rien d’en discuter car c’est le monument le plus reconnu au monde – les gens partout voient cette énorme tour  en fer qui chevauche le septième arrondissement et ils pensent tout de suite à Paris. Ça m’arrive aussi; j’aime beaucoup mieux la tour Eiffel quand je suis loin de Paris que quand j’y suis… le fait de voir la tour Eiffel inscrite sur un mug ou un carnet me rappel toujours que ma ville bien aimée n’est pas aussi loin que j’imagine.
35 comments so far.

35 responses to “(Travel Diary) La Tour Eiffel”

  1. Annie says:

    Awesome photos Cee! Makes me want to plan a trip to Paris 🙂

    The Other Side of Gray

  2. Beautiful pictures! And I'm surprised the Eiffel Tower doesn't get more love from you 😉

  3. Maricha says:

    Moi je l'aime bien cette tour Eiffel, je ne l'ai vue qu'une seule fois en vrai et j'étais émerveillée comme une gamine de 5 ans. Il faisait nuit, elle brillait de 1000 feus, je n'avais d'yeux que pour elle, minuscule à ses pieds. <3
    Bises, Maricha.

  4. Purple Ivy says:

    I guess when you live there are and see it quite often,it looses it touch for you. Same here with the London Eye. Poeple go oooh and aaaah over it amd I'm just like meh! I would love to see the Eiffel Tower in person though.


  5. You're right. The Eiffel Tower is not in my Top 5 or even 10 list. It's a very nice post to see from a distance and know where you are in the town, but Paris has so much more to offer :))

  6. LyddieGal says:

    no matter how many times I see it, It never seems to get any less amazing!

  7. Cara says:

    Such beautiful photos! If you haven't read the book Paris by Edward Rutherfurd I highly recommend it- it has some very cool bits about the building of the Eiffel Tower…
    I can imagine it would change for you once you've lived there for awhile – but I so look forward to seeing it each time I head to Paris – So pretty –

    xo Cara

  8. Lilli says:

    Hi Cee! You are right!:) Wish I was there to stare at its beauty. You know, when I saw it first time I was 8, was a road trip so I was in the car and started to cry for the emotion!^^ Lol, still remember that moment! Impressive photos dear, love them!:) Make the pin. Bisous! xo

  9. These pictures are stunning! They make me want to visit Paris this instant! The Eiffel Tower looks so majestic!

  10. The Eiffel Tower definitely wasn't my favorite thing about visiting Paris, but I'll admit that I got pretty excited when I first saw it after so many years of hoping I'd get to someday. Gorgeous photos!

  11. Michaela says:

    I get so excited when I see the Eiffel Tower, it definitely is a great reminder of Paris when you aren't there! It's just iconic.

  12. Shreya J says:

    I agree that Eiffel has become more of a symbol of Paris rather than the essence…I honestly found the food much more memorable…So many dessert and eclectic dining options!

  13. Maiken says:

    gosh I love all those interesting angles of the famous tower! the last one is especially glorious of course. and it was very nice to read your opinion when it comes to The Eiffel Tower. you surprised me a bit but at the same time who knows what I would think of the tower as long as I haven't actually seen it all by myself. I guess only future will tell that 🙂

    Maikeni blogi – part of me

  14. your photos are always so stunning, Cee! reminds me of the ones on alternative wife xx

  15. Alice Barton says:

    paris is such an amazing city! that last photo is so amazing! xx
    Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay

  16. HiFashion says:

    I love the Eiffel Tower; no doubt it's a magnificent building. However, that's always second on my list when I visit Paris. Notre Dame is top of the list.

  17. Manda says:

    Le sigh.
    I love living in Paris through you! 🙂

    Manda from Eat Cake

  18. libys11 says:

    i love your take on the perspective/point of view of these shots!! amazing!! 😀 such a majestic structure that one. teehee!

    Animated Confessions

  19. Kim Alston says:

    Cee, you are right! There is so much more to Paris than the Eiffel tower. You have shown us that! Just from your blog posts I've seen all the beautiful things Paris has to offer. The Eiffel Tower wouldn't be in my top 10 either.

  20. You are not the only one who thinks like this actually – I have a friend who thinks exactly the same.

    Anyway you've captured some great images and the photography looks great!


  21. Loulou says:

    I thought of you yesterday when I was in our Kensington Market, as there was some street art that included the
    Eiffel Tower. Love it or not, you sure have some beautiful photos of it. Very different from the typical shots of it.

  22. gasp!!!! you are so lucky to live there!!! beautiful shots!


  23. perfect photos xoxo :))

  24. Tes photos sont tout le temps magnifique 🙂

  25. The Eiffel Tour invites everyone to dream by association. Like you said, everyone knows that the tour equals Paris which is just synonym for marvelous and dreamy 🙂 I wouldn't say that it is one of my favorite monuments in the world either, but you gotta admit that it carries its own charm. Thank you for the lovely photographs, Cee! You really know how to capture a moment 😉


    Colette | Established In The Tropics

  26. I'm indifferent on the Eiffel Tower myself, however I have to say it does look better from a distance. Seeing the structure up close (the base, all the metal, etc.) sorta ruined it for me. These pictures are beautiful. Were they taken by you or Ian?

  27. Ugh, seeing these pictures made me realise how much I miss Paris… Must plan another citytrip soon!

  28. Caro * says:

    J'ai vécu pendant un an à proximité de la Tour Eiffel pendant mes études, je la voyais tous les soirs scintiller depuis ma fenêtre. C'est un monument que j'apprécie, je rêve d'ailleurs de manger un jour au Jules Verne (un de mes auteurs préférés !) mais en attendant de vider mon compte en banque dans la gastronomie, il faudrait déjà que je remonte au 3ème étage car je ne l'ai pas fait depuis mon enfance ! 🙂

  29. Les photos sont superbes, très belles luminosité. Magique !!

  30. Cee says:

    Hi Sheryl,

    These photos are, in fact, all mine – my technique has been improving, I like to think 🙂


  31. Cee says:

    Thank-you so much for all of your lovely comments, my darlings!

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

