(Writing Diary) Introducing After the Shots

January 30, 2014

This post is one I’ve been waiting almost four years to write… and these words are ones I’ve waited almost all of my lifetime to say; my first novel, After the Shots, is now in print. It has been a long journey to get to this point and I’m glad I’ve had you all along with me for it. It’s hard to convey my excitement properly – although if you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you probably have an idea of where I’m at right now – but publishing a book, a feat in itself, comes with a new, and bigger challenge: convincing people to read it. After the Shots is available on CreateSpace, Amazon and for Kindle. And as a thank-you for all of your support through this process, I’d like to offer you all an exclusive 15% discount to all of my readers, if you want to buy a copy from CreateSpace – just use the code PBV5UW6G at the checkout. Happy reading!

J’attends écrire cet article depuis presque autre ans… et j’attends dire ces mots depuis presque toute ma vie; je viens de publier mon premier roman, After the Shots. Il a fallu un long trajet pour arriver à ce point-ci et j’ai eu de la chance, car vous m’avais suivi dès le début. J’ai du mal bien communiquer combien je suis ravie – pourtant, si vous me suivez sur Facebook, Twitter ou même Instagram, vous avez probablement une idée – mais publier un roman, un exploit en lui-même, apporte un gros défi: convaincre du monde à le lire ! After the Shots est disponible chez Amazon et pour Kindle (mais malheureusement en anglais seulement.) Et afin de vous remercier pour votre soutien, je vous offre -15% avec le code PBV5UW6G si vous désirez vous offrir votre propre copie de chez CreateSpace. Belle lecture !
29 comments so far.

29 responses to “(Writing Diary) Introducing After the Shots”

  1. great blog post! 🙂

    please watch my box of omg #4 video!
    I put my rabbit in the box ahah >.<
    If you like it please give it a thumbs up also. I will be happy to retun a favour! 😀


  2. Oh wow – that's such amazing and exciting news! What a great accomplishment – you must be so proud (and deservedly so). I'm in the painful process of sending my book to academic presses for publication consideration so I'm intensely jealous of your success with this – it's really an incredible achievement.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. This is so amazing!!! Congratulations!
    xo Emma

  4. Congratulation, Cee! This is huge! x

  5. How exciting!!! Congratulations I know you are so proud 🙂

  6. Oh my word!!! Congratulations. I had NO IDEA!!! How fabulous C!!
    I think I may just be ordering your book this evening ….

  7. LyddieGal says:

    Congrats Cee! This is such an amazing achievement, and I hope it is more successful than you can even dream!
    Chic on the Cheap

  8. Lilli says:

    Congrats Cee!! So happy for you!!! My best wishes for many others to come! And the image you chose for the cover is just amazing! Kisses! xo

  9. OMG OMG OMG!! I'm so so happy for you right now! Congrats on publishing your first novel!! Definitely mentioning this on my blog tomorrow!

  10. Wow!! Congratulations!! I'd like to read it!


  11. Pooja Mittal says:

    Congrats sweetie, so happy for you.. 🙂
    Keep in touch

  12. Congrats! This is so exciting :)) I hope you ship to UK, because I would love to have a hard copy of the book!!

    Lu: http://www.balgarka.co.uk

  13. ahh Cee that's so exciting! Well done!

    Hannah xx

  14. Rebekah says:

    It looks like that promo code is only valid on CreateSpace. I tried it on Amazon, and it said the code was invalid. I still purchased the Kindle version. Gotta support a fellow writer/blogger! Congratulations!

  15. Kim Alston says:

    congratulations cee! i'm in love with the cover. how beautiful!

  16. Maiken says:

    right now is the time when I'm sad I don't own a credit card which would allow me to shop in foreign online stores. because believe me, I would most definitely love to get a copy of your book, Cee! and I'm really happy for you, my dear. I can only imagine what it feels like.. your very first book. so super exciting!! congratulations!

    Maikeni blogi – part of me

  17. Michaela says:

    This is so exciting, congratulations! It's definitely my dream too, I admire you so much for achieving it!

  18. MizzJ says:

    Omg you're a published author?! Way impressed Cee 🙂 Congratulations on this amazing achievement!

  19. Rebecca says:

    OMG CONGRATULATIONS Cee…..you're remarkable!!! I will surely check this out for myself!!!


  20. Congratulations Cee, this is such exciting news!

  21. Wow, a lot of congratulations to you!!!!! so happy and proud of you



  23. Lippylash says:

    I couldn't be more excited for you!!! This truly is amazing! cannot wait to read it! The story is totally up my alley!!!!!

  24. Liesa says:

    This is so exciting, Cee! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations 🙂 xx

  25. Caro * says:

    Toutes mes félicitations une fois encore ! 🙂

  26. Loulou says:

    This is fantastic news! Congratulations to you Cee.

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

