Cocktails at Trou Normand

July 18, 2016

cee fardoe of coco & vera walks down the street in san francisco wearing a striped dress and panama hatportrait of top fashion blogger cee fardoe of coco & vera in san franciscococo-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-outfit-details-shop-maccs-dress-steve-madden-stecy-sandals-celine-trio-bag-cuyana-panama-hatcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-travel-blog-top-canadian-travel-blog-top-blogger-trou-normand-san-francisco-where-to-eat-in-san-franciscococo-and-vera-top-vancouver-travel-blog-top-canadian-travel-blog-top-blogger-le-trou-normand-san-francisco-cocktails-where-to-eat-in-san-franciscococo-and-vera-best-vancouver-fashion-blog-best-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-street-style-cuyana-panama-hat-shop-maccs-dress-steve-madden-stecy-sandals-celine-trio-bagShop Maccs dress
Steve Madden sandals
Cuyana hat
Celine bag
Celine sunglasses

The fact that I married a chef is funny, upon reflection. I was a notoriously fussy eater as a kid – the year I was four, I ate almost nothing but fish sticks. I wouldn’t eat cheese, I wouldn’t go near anything green, I didn’t like meat or milk, I turned my nose up at sandwiches, I hated eggs, I wasn’t interested in peanut butter or nutella… and the list goes on. (If you ask my mom, it goes on and on and on.) Basically, I just wasn’t that into food. I liked cereal, so I ate a lot of that, but generally I regarded the need to eat as disruptive – it got in the way of whatever else I was busy doing, and since I was born a type A personality, I’ve pretty much perceived myself to be busy since I learned the meaning of the word. This is funny to me because I love to eat now. Aside from milk, which I still refuse to drink, and most meat, apart from the occasional slice of bacon, I will eat almost anything with enthusiasm. When Ian and I travel together, our holiday maps look a bit like trips from restaurant to restaurant and, well, I can’t say that isn’t accurate. We were researching the best food in San Francisco within minutes of booking our trip, and planned a lot of our outings in the city based on which of the restaurants on our list would be nearby. We tend to prefer less photogenic hole-in-the-wall type places that distinguish themselves based on food alone, like the Bohemian Cigar Store Cafe or Taqueria Cancun. But there are always exceptions, and our visit to Trou Normand was one of them – there was nothing nearby that we especially wanted to visit, and it is known for its cocktails as much as anything, but I had seen photos of the interior and fallen in love, so we had to go. The space did not disappoint, and neither did the drinks (although I think I pretty much ordered straight up rum, which made the walk back to the hotel… interesting.) I’d love to know your favourite restaurant in the city where you live – if I ever win the lottery, we’ll be doing nothing but travelling, so I need restaurant recommendations for everywhere in the world!

Je trouve le fait que j’ai épousé un chef un peu drôle, à la réflexion. En enfant, j’étais tristement célèbre, tellement j’étais difficile sur la nourriture – à mes quatre ans, je ne mangeais quasiment que des bâtonnets de poisson. Je n’aimais pas le fromage, je ne touchais rien de couleur verte, je détestais le lait et la viande, je faisais la fine bouche devant les sandwichs, je n’aimais pas les oeufs, la beurre d’arachide et le Nutella m’intéressaient point… et je pourrai continuer. En gros, je n’aimais pas manger. Les céréales me plaisaient, donc j’en mangeais souvent, mais généralement, je considérais le fait de devoir manger comme étant perturbateur, car il fallait que j’arrête ce que je faisais pour prendre un repas. Et comme je suis née avec une personnalité type A, je me considère comme étant occupée depuis que j’ai appris la définition du mot occupé – je n’aime pas m’arrêter au plein milieu d’un projet. En tout cas, je trouve tout ça rigolo car maintenant, j’adore manger. À part le lait, que je ne bois toujours pas, et la viande (outre du bacon de temps en temps), je suis prête à essayer presque n’importe quoi. Lorsque je pars en voyage avec Ian, nos cartes de séjour ressemblent un peu à des routes entre restaurants et, à vrai dire, elles sont plutôt justes. Nous faisions nos recherches sur la meilleure nourriture à San Francisco dès que nous avons réservé nos billets d’avion, et avons planifié plusieurs sorties en ville selon l’emplacement des restaurants sur notre liste d’envies. Nous avons tendance à préférer des restaurants moins photogéniques qui si distinguent surtout grâce à la qualité de leurs plats, tel le Bohemian Cigar Store Café et la Taqueria Cancún. Et cependant, il y a toujours des exceptions, notre visite au restaurant Trou Normand, par exemple – il n’y avait pas grande chose dans le quartier que nous souhaitions visiter, et le restaurant est connu surtout pour ses cocktails, mais j’avais craqué sur des photos de l’intérieur, donc je voulais absolument le voir de mes propres yeux. Le cadre était sublime, et les cocktails aussi (bien que je pense que celui que j’ai commandé était presque du rhum sec.) Ça me ferait plaisir de connaitre votre restaurant préféré dans votre ville – si jamais je gagne la loterie, je ne ferai que voyager, et donc je vais avoir besoin des conseils restaurant tout partout dans le monde !

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Cocktails at Trou Normand”

  1. Since my health issues, I’ve come full circle and now I’m such a fussy eater… I was nothing but easy going as a child. I’m partly fussy due to allergies, but also lack of appetite which I have most days, unfortunate, because I LOVE trying new restaurants, but here’s hoping I’ll be back at it again. In the meantime, I’ll continue living vicariously through your travels & recommendations! 🙂 Also, with you, the interiors at Trou Normand are so beautiful and I love what you wore, even if it made for an interesting walk back to the hotel. Oh the charm of Rum! xo

    Girl & Closet

  2. Courtney says:

    My favourite restaurant here in Edmonton is actually a pretty pedestrian place – it’s more of a pub really (The Next Act) but I adore it because it has, I swear, the most delicious veggie burger in the world. I’ve eaten a lot of veggie burgers and it just slays them all! I wish I could say it was more of a fancy joint, but….

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. Love your outfit Cee! So chic! I think that is one of the best things about traveling…finding cool places to eat. Here in New Orleans, there are so many. You really can’t go wrong.

  4. Lyddiegal says:

    Your striped dress is a delight, and I’m glad to see the panama hat made the trip with you as it completes the look so perfectly. I think you are right though, when we travel, it’s mostly about the food. Which is why when we have a less than stellar meal, we take it hard, and put so much effort into seeking out the best. Your younger self wasn’t completely wrong about food getting in the way though, so often we are busy, wrapped up in something and stopping to prepare (or buy) food just feels like the biggest inconvenience!

  5. Marjolaine says:

    Bravo pour tes looks toujours très classe et raffinés! J’aime beaucoup également ! J’aime le plus ce sont tes chaussures !! ^o^

  6. What a chic look! I was also a picky eater. Except I only ate things that were green. Celery, broccoli, green beans, mint ice cream… It was weird. It’s so much fun to try new things though! Love this post. You look gorgeous!

    Love, Lindsey

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

