Before and After

September 2, 2016

coco-and-vera-best-vancouver-style-blog-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-street-style-all-black-everything-dezzal-dress-rosefield-watch-chanel-bag-celine-audrey-sunglassescoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-fashion-blog-top-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-portrait-cee-fardoe-brunette-celine-audrey-sunglasses-dezzal-dresscoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-fashion-blog-milano-coffee-gastown-best-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-street-style-celine-chanel-pierre-hardy-dezzalcoco-and-vera-top-vancouver-style-blog-top-canadian-style-blog-top-blogger-outfit-details-dezzal-dress-chanel-handbag-rosefield-watch-pierre-hardy-heelscoco-and-vera-best-vancouver-fashion-blog-best-canadian-fashion-blog-top-blogger-street-style-celine-sunglasses-dezzal-dress-pierre-hardy-heels-chanel-bagLefupeng dress (c/o Dezzal)
Pierre Hardy heels (similar)
Chanel handbag
Celine sunglasses
Rosefield watch (c/o)
Keltie Leanne Designs ring (c/o)
Strut Jewelry ring (c/o)
Caroline Neron earrings (c/o)

“Do you remember your thought process for getting dressed, before blogging?” Veronika asked me earlier this week. Truth be told, I genuinely don’t. I don’t think I had much of a thought process beyond put-clothes-on-as-fast-as-possible-to-avoid-missing-the-bus-and-being-late-for-work. And when it came to shopping, I was even worse; I bought what I liked, most often based on impulse, without ever considering what I already had in my closet. I recognized that something was wrong with these strategies and started my blog, at least in part, to help narrow the focus of my personal style and hone in on what I really loved to wear. It wasn’t easy. In the early days of blogging, putting together outfits was a challenge that often saw me rifling through drawer after drawer, looking for something – anything – that would somehow pull together the look I was trying to achieve, which I struggled to define at the best of times. But it’s amazing how we grow and change. Lately, I’ve been finding it remarkably easy to get dressed – while my wardrobe is still far from perfect, in many ways I feel like I have everything I need to get through whatever the week throws my way with minimal sartorial stress. And it’s a wonderful place to be. For so long, I aspired to be one of those effortless women who could simply open her closet, throw on the first things she saw and look fabulous. What I’ve learned is that no one can do that without making a conscious effort to add the right pieces to their closet in the first place. I think it was when that realization finally came to me, when I understood that being effortlessly well-dressed wasn’t a gene I didn’t have but a skill that I could learn, if I dedicated myself to it, that everything started to come together. This Lefupeng dress from Dezzal, like so many pieces in my wardrobe now, is one of those perfect throw-on-and-go pieces that requires no more effort than taking it off the hanger but, with the right accessories, looks perfectly put together every time. My pre-blogging self owned very few pieces like this; she probably found them too simple, which is why she ultimately found putting outfits together to be so challenging, because everything in her closet was exciting and nothing fit together. In fashion and is life, sometimes all you need is to change your perspective.

“Rappels-tu le cheminement de tes pensées quand tu t’habillais, avant ton blog ?” Veronika m’a demandé plus tôt cette semaine. J’ai répondu honnêtement que non. C’est probable que le cheminement de mes pensées, au moins du lundi au vendredi, n’était rien de plus qu’il faut que je m’habille aussi vite que possible afin de ne pas rater le bus. Et en shopping, c’était encore pire ; j’achetais ce qui me plaisait sur le coup, sans jamais penser à ce que j’avais déjà chez moi. J’ai pu reconnaitre que ces stratégies ne fonctionnaient pas et j’ai commencé mon blog afin de me mettre au point sur mon style. C’a na pas toujours été évident. Je me souviens le début de mon blog, quand parfois je vidais tous mes tiroirs à la recherche de quelque chose – n’importe quelle chose – qui allait s’accorder à mon look, que j’avais toujours du mal à préciser. C’est incroyable comme nous puissions grandir et changer. Dernièrement, je trouve que c’est très facile de m’habiller – mon dressing reste imparfait, c’est sûr, mais j’ai l’impression que j’ai tout ce qu’il me faut afin de pouvoir m’habiller pour n’importe quel évènement sans le moindre stress vestimentaire. Qu’est-ce que ça fait du bien ! Pendant longtemps, j’aspirais à être le genre de femme qui puisse ouvrir son garde-robe et mettre le premier truc qu’elle voit, sans y réfléchir. Ce que j’ai appris, c’est que personne n’est vraiment capable de faire ça sans un effort délibéré en shopping. Je crois que c’est le moment où j’ai eu cette prise de conscience, quand j’ai enfin compris que bien s’habiller de façon aisée n’est pas un don inné mais une compétence que tout le monde peut apprendre, que j’ai vraiment pu commencer à concrétiser mon style à moi. Cette robe Lefupeng de Dezzal, comme la bonne partie de mes vêtements actuels, est pour moi une robe parfait car elle me permet de m’habiller en toute liberté et sans suranalyser. Mais en même temps, avec des bonnes accessoires, je peux la porter encore et encore. Avant mon blog, j’avais très peu de fringues comme celui-ci, croyant (faussement) qu’ils étaient trop simples, et c’est pour cette raison que j’ai eu tellement de mal en assemblant des tenues qui me plaisaient – dans mon dressing, il n’y avait que des fringues palpitants qui ne s’accordaient pas du tout les uns a les autres. En mode autant que dans la vie, parfois il suffit changer son point de vue.

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Before and After”

  1. Lorena says:

    Beautiful dress, reminds me of an Alberta Ferretti one I happily thrifted. I was so excited about the garment, so mesmerised that I paid for it without trying it on. It never fit.

  2. Effortlessly Chic! Cee, that dress is gorgeous. I love knits. They’re so comfortable and easy to wear. I think as we get older we perfect our style even more so. You want less hassle. Less fuss. Just simple elegance. This is beautiful.

  3. Aw, how fun to see my name in your post – thank you!! And happy to report… I also remember asking that question, haha, good to know I can still hold my wine! 😉 As for your dress? It’s honestly gorgeous and exactly the kind of piece I need in my closet, I must admit, I’m still struggling with mine and hope to be where you’re one day. Fingers crossed! xo

  4. “What I’ve learned is that no one can do that without making a conscious effort to add the right pieces to their closet in the first place.” Although we have very different styles, I couldn’t agree with this more. It’s taken me a long time to get to this place as well. (PS Happy to be semi-back and reading/commenting again!)

  5. Lyddiegal says:

    I think you have all the right fashion goals, and clearly have achieved them, at least in what you show on the blog.
    This dress, those shoes, it all seems so classy and effortless.

    I still fall victim to all those bad habits, getting dressed not in something I like, but in something I need to throw on to get out the door, buying clothes that are very similar to things I’ve already got, having too many things for a fancy evening but little for work or to say, wear to a funeral. Maybe someday I’ll get it right, but I still continue recklessly shopping to fill the little holes in my heart.

Cee Fardoe is a thirty-something Canadian blogger who splits her time between Winnipeg and Paris. She is a voracious reader, avid tea-drinker, insatiable wanderer and fashion lover who prefers to dress in black, white and gray.

